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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 22, 2008
St. Louis, MO.
I am above the average age here, and I can say that I owned two newtons, with a variety of accessories. That was some time ago.

Did you own an newton and are you getting an iPad?
I was an apple hater during those years... up until I bought an iPhone and then replaced my pcs with macs.
I have/had a Newton, I think it's still sitting around in a box somewhere as I didn't have the heart to throw it away. And yes of course I am getting an iPad at release!
I have two Newtons, still use one on occasion. Yes, I'm still pissed at SJ for killing it. Think where it would be and the quality of handwriting recognition if development had continued. We probably would have had the early version of the iPad five or six years ago.
Never owned a Newton (probably because it was before my time), but I had a Palm since I was quite young. Of course it was mainly used to play games and such. Man that IR transmitter was so amazing!
Why do people always screw up polls on forums?

Why aren't the options:

No, but I plan to buy the iPad
No, and I don't plan on buying the iPad
Yes, and I plan on buying the iPad
Yes, but I don't plan on buying the iPad
A family friend did and it sucked. I think time makes the Newton appear better than what it was back then.
Why do people always screw up polls on forums?

Why aren't the options:

No, but I plan to buy the iPad
No, and I don't plan on buying the iPad
Yes, and I plan on buying the iPad
Yes, but I don't plan on buying the iPad

Because the assumption is, if you were silly enough to buy the Newton, you'll probably end up with the iPad... and if you never owned the Newton, you can't possibly be deceived by Apple again. :D
I have a Newton MessagePad 250 (I believe, it's been a while since I pulled it out). Bought it just a few years ago on Ebay, mostly for nostalgia. Never have really used it, it eats up batteries like crazy.

I am also planning on buying an iPad, assuming my wife likes it (we'll probably share one). Incidentally, that makes me one of those wishing Apple had built these with multi-user support.

I loved my message pad, and sadly went to Palm for a while after it's demise from a cracked screen. I worked in a warehouse and didn't set it in a safe spot.

Now have the iPhone 3g and have my reservation in for a 32gb wi/fi iPad. Can't wait till next saturday.
YES! :) - I've got and still use the Newton MessagePad 2100 (a great digital notebook with fantastic HW recongition) as well as the eMate 300 - fantastic little electronic typewriter - I would LOVE if Apple made an iPad eMate form factor - wonder if case manufactures will fill that hole.

But yes I've got two and use them to this day - the iPad will replace much of what I used them for though :)
Not only did I own a Newton, I flew to Boston the day it went on sale at MW to buy one. They were extremely scarce and after a whole day at MW I failed to find any company that had one in stock that wasn't spoken for. Dejected, I circled the MW annex show floor one last time around 4pm before heading back to the airport. Luck was with me -- or was it -- as CompUSA just got a shipment in and the show floor was already empty so I didn't have anyone to compete with to buy one. I couldn't get my CC out fast enough. Airport security was stumped & suspicious when it went through the Xray. They gave it the once, twice, and thrice over.

Sadly, after a few days playing with it I came to the conclusion it wasn't ready for prime time. Fortunately I bought it a CUSA so I could return it locally. It was a cool device when it did what you wanted it to do, but it was a very expensive toy to be so imperfect.
I had all the Newtons.

I bought the 2000 the day it was realease in Palo Alto (just happened to be there)

It was pretty much worthless but very cool which I guess made it usefull just to fiddle with it.

All my stuff is pretty much like that.

Time to go live the woods. :rolleyes:
I still use my Newton MessagePad 2100 today as an alarm clock next to my bed.
No newton. My first computer was an osborne executive (used). My first PDA was a sharp organizer. When I found I couldn't move my data from one sharp version to a newer sharp version I decided to give Palm a try, even though it was a lot more expensive. Now my main PDA for apps is an iPod Touch and my main PDA for organizer features is a Blackberry. Yes I'm getting an iPad mainly as an ebook reader and as a portable computer. I'll be selling off my Netbook at the same time.

I remember going to a business meeting about 5 years ago and one of the guys we were meeting with pulled out a Newton. Everybody chuckled. Even that long ago, owning a Newton and pulling it out in a meeting came across as eccentric to the group I was with at the time. Still people appreciated the fact that the Palms we were all carrying at the time were essentially better implementations of the features of the Newton. I think Apple learned their lesson. No more overpriced, oversized, underpowered tablets. The iPad will kick some serious butt. I think predictions of the demise of every other kind of computer are exaggerated, but the iPad will sell well and will usher in a new era of computing.
Yep, I have two Newtons sitting in the closet with some of the other antique toys... a 130 and a 2000. The 2000 was actually usable! But then the Palm Pilot came along.
What, no love for the eMate?

I had a Newton 110 and 130.

And I also had an eMate 300. That thing was pretty awesome. Ive rocks.

A buddy had the 2000 and 2100. Very cool, but too expensive for a college kid.

And yes, iPad is on order.
I didn't, but my mother got my brother one (to help him manage his schoolwork, since he is dyslexic and needed the extra help with organization I guess), and I was always super jealous. He actually had TWO. She got him a second one after the first one's screen cracked.
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