Curious how many people are still buying stuff on credit versus paying cash...
You're crazy to pay cash when you can take advantage of the added CC benefits (though you need to make sure you pay it off with that cash you would otherwise be using.)
I've already been in a position to utilize the bennies when my $800 bike got stolen and when my iPhone 3G started acting up with the vibrate switch. In the former case it was covered by the purchase security protection (first 90 days) and the second by the automatically warranty double protection.
Used my American Express for the extra warranty.
Curious how many people are still buying stuff on credit versus paying cash...
Only an idiot would pay cash when you can get 1% cashback on purchases and extra warranty. It adds up quite a bit for me at the end of the year.
I pay it off at the end of the month, 1% cashback, and you have a float period where your money is working for you before you have to pay off the statement.