Forgive the new thread but I can't find any answers in other related threads.
I have a problem getting my m box to work with Garageband. The computer that I want to use it on doesn't have pro tools installed so I downloaded the coreaudio driver from digidesign and installed it.
From there I have selected deigidesign HW in the system prefs, but when selected it says that there are "no options for this device" or something? And when I go to select input source in garageband there are no choices to get it to mbox. only the built in mic. Does anyone else have this problem or any suggestions. Please help.
My computer is imac G4 800 15in 768 RAM.
I have a problem getting my m box to work with Garageband. The computer that I want to use it on doesn't have pro tools installed so I downloaded the coreaudio driver from digidesign and installed it.
From there I have selected deigidesign HW in the system prefs, but when selected it says that there are "no options for this device" or something? And when I go to select input source in garageband there are no choices to get it to mbox. only the built in mic. Does anyone else have this problem or any suggestions. Please help.
My computer is imac G4 800 15in 768 RAM.