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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2001
OK, anybody in here who knows facts about Protools for OS X? When will it go there? I just dont like to buy this lovely piece of creativity for 9.
I haven't heard a single rumor of this happening. Nothing on their site. Nothing on the rumor sites. Nothing.

I guess I'll continue to wait.

Re: Digidesigns Protools X

Originally posted by jaronimo
OK, anybody in here who knows facts about Protools for OS X? When will it go there? I just dont like to buy this lovely piece of creativity for 9.

OS X is not the Mac OS as we've known it... it 's UNIX... It's more like DOS than anything else.
But, in the long run, that may not be a bad thing. Right now, there is no MIDI support, not much in the way of audio... Apple isn't worring abut the pro-audio world. Use OS 9 and write better songs... X won't make u 'think different' there.
Logic Audio

Well I know Emagic has announced that Logic Audio 5 has been ported and should be shipping soon. Logic is great though, you guys should take a look at it. And considering the way Avid is looking at OS X as a basterd OS.


Good luck getting any info out of DigiDesign. They don't like to announce anything until they've released it.

Lots of people have been waiting for the OS X version of ProTools as well as a FireWire audio interface--specifically a FireWire version of the Digi001. In the meanwhile, Emagic already has an OS X version of Logic in beta and MOTU has released two firewire audio interfaces.

They seemed to have invested all their time and energy into the new ProTools HD system and the Mbox--neither of which interest me... Oh well, they make there real money off of the professionals with deep pockets.
my music geek friends

my music geek friends say that the recording industry is in a frenzy about OS X. Some people went out and gt new G4's thinking that their old (expensive) recording sorftware would work with OS X... and were very dissapointed when it didnt. My friends think that many people are moving to PC's now becaus of it... I dont think thats true... hes a windows user so he's just talking out of his DOS

I have not seen anthing about protools for OS X yet... i guess its still comming. I hear that peak has an OS X version out now.
I surf the digidesign user group a lot. Pro tools for OSX seems to be a ways off. I beleive they have hit some sognificant snags, utilizing low latency modes in OSX. Basically its a total rewrite- not to mention the general lameness of Avids management. Everybody is hoping for a firewire Digi002, for OSX. But my gues is OSX will be poorly implemented, and DIGI002 may never see the light of day since digidesign is about 6 months late allready to being competitive in the OSX audio market. OH WELL.
Re: ha

Originally posted by napdaddy
Lots of people have been waiting for the OS X version of ProTools as well as a FireWire audio interface--specifically a FireWire version of the Digi001.

For those of you looking for a firewire audio interface, please, go check out MOTU's new 896. (shameless plug) :) I just got mine beginning of Feb, and absolutely love it. I'm just doing analogue recordings now, so the quality isn't even as nice as it could be (I get some interferance from my @#$@# house electic line) but overall I'm very satisfied with the card. It also performs great with Cubase vst 5, Reason, and Digital Performer 3 (my main audio app).

Like the rest of you, I'm waiting for pro audio to move to OS X significantly (how long must we wait?!!.... when?!!)

Specifically, I want there to be a MIDI interface that's intuitive, powerful and compatible with all my apps. OMS just doesn't cut it on many levels.
1. OMS is the worst software in the world, is like windos 95 (half way done). Is not even the shadow of Free Midi.

2. Digidesign is not the most friendly company for asking something. I will never are going to here a rumor from them.

3. For free software go to Hotline.

4. It is completly true, no audio is gonna sound better in OSX, you would do just the same with OS9.

5. And last... what else can you add to a audio software now days? They have too many things already, most of them we do not even use. Is like Photoshop, it has everything for photography already and now is jumping to web. So, I mean the guys from MOTU and Digidesign are really doing a deep research work to see what the industry needs now, because the basics of audio editing are way over develop.
Re: my music geek friends

Originally posted by evildead
my music geek friends say that the recording industry is in a frenzy about OS X. Some people went out and gt new G4's thinking that their old (expensive) recording sorftware would work with OS X... and were very dissapointed when it didnt. My friends think that many people are moving to PC's now becaus of it... I dont think thats true... hes a windows user so he's just talking out of his DOS

I have not seen anthing about protools for OS X yet... i guess its still comming. I hear that peak has an OS X version out now.

The people who ran out, bought new G4s and thought all their audio apps would just automatically run under OS X were being naive. It's a radically different OS from OS 9. It's going to take some time to get the old apps running under OS X. This goes at least double if they are ProTools users. DigiDesign is always WAY behind the curve. They depend on people like me who have invested a good deal of time and money into ProTools and don't want to change. I have to boot into OS 9 to use ProTools.

Switching to Windows isn't necessarily going to be any better. DigiDesign is at least two OS versions behind with their Windows version of ProTools LE. It only runs on Windows 98/ME. M$ has since released 2000 and XP. PT LE does not work on either of those. At least PT LE runs on OS 9.

However, there are a good deal of companies that have released OS X versions of their audio software. Bias has released Peak DV for OS X. I'm not certain, but their other products are probably available for OS X also. I'm also not certain if Emagic has released Logic for OS X yet, but I know that they have had a beta version out for months now. DigiDesign is in no way indicative of the industry as a whole. OS X appears to have great potential for audio as evidenced by
Apple's Core Audio architecture.

Whatever the case, I have a 1.3GHz Athlon machine (win2k) and a PIII/650 laptop (xp pro). I don't even consider using them when I want to do any real audio or video work. I turn to my G4/450 for that--and digital imaging stuff for that matter...
Originally posted by mymemory
1. OMS is the worst software in the world, is like windos 95 (half way done). Is not even the shadow of Free Midi.

2. Digidesign is not the most friendly company for asking something. I will never are going to here a rumor from them.

3. For free software go to Hotline.

4. It is completly true, no audio is gonna sound better in OSX, you would do just the same with OS9.

5. And last... what else can you add to a audio software now days? They have too many things already, most of them we do not even use. Is like Photoshop, it has everything for photography already and now is jumping to web. So, I mean the guys from MOTU and Digidesign are really doing a deep research work to see what the industry needs now, because the basics of audio editing are way over develop.
2. You're right about DigiDesign. They refuse to announce anything until its release is painfully imminent.

4. While it may be true that audio may not sound any better, OS X will handle audio much better. Apple claims that one company has been able to get latency as low as 40 samples using OS X. Apple claims that this translates into 1ms throughput latency--which is amazingly low. This is much better than you can do with OS 9. Apple claims their older OS's yielded latency times around 10ms. Latency is definitely an issue for people doing pro audio. Apple's Core Audio looks very impressive. I would read over the specs if you haven't yet.

5. I don't know if it's so much the software as the hardware that the manufacturers have to work on. FireWire audio interfaces are still very young. MOTU's first FireWire interface did not come out all that long ago. And we all know that DigiDesign has yet to even mention a FireWire interface... IMHO DigiDesign knows what the industry wants, they just have trouble delivering it quickly. MOTU seems to be doing a better job of getting new hardware out, but it's DigiDesign's ProTools that dominates the industry. DigiDesign just released ProTools HD (up to 192kHz sample rate at 24 bits) at Winter NAMM.

Whatever the case, the current crop of audio software can still be improved and refined. A quick look at DigiDesign's user conferences will confirm this. Vendors are still working hard to port their apps to run natively on OS X, as well.
some info from a post on the DUC over the weekend

As we've been saying for some time now, Dual processor support will come with OS X support which is coming later this year. Exactly when I can't tell you because I don't know. The OS X , and therefore Dual Processor support, is a major task (to say the least) that we have been working on for quite some time.

Bottomline, we'll be there just not exactly sure when. Maybe not the exact answer you're looking for but I hope this helps.

Jon Connolly
Digidesign Product Specialist

Sounds like we'll be getting Protools X by the end of the year, I'd put the odd Yipee and maybe a few woo hoos in this post about it if it wasn't totally immature :)

I reckon by the end of the year macs will totally rule for audio, I mean at the very least we'll be able to buy 1.2Ghz+ G4s running Protools natively in OS X, what could be better than that to look forward too ?

I'm not even touching OS X or buying a new mac till at least protools is out for it, why bother when I've got an old 300Mhz beige G3 to run protools LE under OS 8.6 that's slow enough to motivate me to save for a new mac. Once I've got the cash together I'll be able to buy a brand new G4 and get an upgrade for protools so I never have to bother with the classic Mac OS again.
Re: some info from a post on the DUC over the weekend

Originally posted by barkmonster

Sounds like we'll be getting Protools X by the end of the year, I'd put the odd Yipee and maybe a few woo hoos in this post about it if it wasn't totally immature :)

I reckon by the end of the year macs will totally rule for audio, I mean at the very least we'll be able to buy 1.2Ghz+ G4s running Protools natively in OS X, what could be better than that to look forward too ?

I'm not even touching OS X or buying a new mac till at least protools is out for it, why bother when I've got an old 300Mhz beige G3 to run protools LE under OS 8.6 that's slow enough to motivate me to save for a new mac. Once I've got the cash together I'll be able to buy a brand new G4 and get an upgrade for protools so I never have to bother with the classic Mac OS again.

Great news!! But what is the DUC?

Latency is not such issue now days (in pro equipment). Actually, latency with midi is worst but even a midi signal goes faster than sound (I do not remember the frequency).

The big problem with OSX and audio software/hardware is sync and digital distortion. That have been the problem until late 90's. For some reason digital audio is very demanding and sensitive of the system, hardware and software. I'm sure that audio soft companies are not worried if the soft will run faster in OSX, that is obvius, they know that more plugins may run in audio suit mode... internal synk would be the problem. They would test a lot before jump in to OSX.
Save your $. Buy Cubase SX or REASON for Mac OS X.

I have seen a lot of folks harping here about no good pro music software for Mac OS X. Well, your day has come, big time.

Steinberg has upgraded their flagship program Cubase VST to Cubase SX. It runs on Mac OS X, not on OS 9.

VST System Link is the coolest new feature. The software lets you create a network of computers (MAC or PC, or both) to run Cubase SX, like a render farm, but in real time. One machine could run VST synths, another VST samplers, another VST DSP plugins, another mixing, another record audio. With SX, you have no limits, (except your pocket book).

New features:
New user interface
Graphic automation of every parameter
Musical real-time MIDI processing
Unlimited Undo / Redo
5.1 Surround
Complete set of new virtual instruments
Comprehensive range of new virtual effect processors
Edit History

Cubase SX will be available at the end of Q2 2002 for EUR 799 (MSRP). The update from Cubase VST/32 will cost EUR 149, the update from Cubase VST Score EUR 199 and the update from Cubase VST EUR 299.

System requirements Mac:

Computer Hardware
Required System: PowerMac G3 350 MHz, 256 MB of free RAM
Recommended System: PowerMac G4, 512 MB RAM
USB-port required

Operating System
Mac OS X

Audio Hardware
Supports ASIO 2 spec for high-end multi-channel audio cards
Supports Mac OS X compatible audio devices


REASON, the best software for making techno, dance music, has been upgraded to version 2. It has tons of new features, and it runs on Mac OS X. And the software is priced right.
Don't even mention cubase to a protools user, it's just too laughable!!

for step editing midi it's no better than ST version on a basic level, on a more complex level it's got a needlessly bloated, 1 window for every little thing interface and the single worst controller data editor in history, not to mention it's constant instability and lack of any features that make it easy to visualise the session as whole while being able to edit anything you want with all other tracks in full view. I'm comparing VST/32 5.0 to PT LE here by the way so no telling me how wonderful it is, I've used it enough to know better.

You can't even extend the length of a selection of notes without all the notes before the last one in the selection extending to the end of the last note example:


- - - - - -
- - - -
- - - - - - -

after (Anything other than cubase)

_ _ _ ___
_ __ _
__ _ _ __ _



It's a bad example because I've done it with ASCII characters not as a graphic but you can tell what I mean. The only good software steinberg do these days allowing for competing products is actually by propellerhead and just distributed by them.
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