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Is there a direct way to turn all the mail text into unformatted text (plain text) when replying / composing mail in iPhone's mail client?

What I'm doing now is:

1 - WRITE mail text
3 - CUT
4 - SWITCH to 'Notes' app
5 - ADD new note
7 - SELECT ALL (the now unformatted text)
8 - CUT
9 - SWITCH to mail client
10 - PASTE
11 - SEND mail

It's the only way I found out to have plain text in the mail client...

Wouldn't be easier just to have an option, when composing / replying MESSAGES, to apply plain text immediately? :confused:

Something to turn the process to just 3 steps (instead of 11):

1 - WRITE mail text
2 - PUSH "plain text" Button
3 - SEND mail

I have to manage and reply a lot of professional mails from different customers in the iPhone. And when I'm short on time (always) and I have to reply dozens of mails, this just starts to get really annoying :(

I started to put all text unformatted because what usually happens is that when there are several people in the same discussion, it's normal to have a lot of pictures and different fonts from different mail clients (normally from signatures). When I reply to all (even when I choose NOT to include attachments) they get a lot of attachments like "xxxxxx.DAT" files that would correspond to some logos of some signatures...

And they also receive just the last reply and the rest of the replies go into attachments like "ATT000xx.HTML" files...!

This last time I checked, one of the customers had just my last reply and these attachments:

ATT00010.htm (previous replies)
ATT00013.htm (previous replies)
ATT00016.htm (previous replies)
ATT00019.htm (previous replies)
ATT00022.htm (previous replies)
ATT00025.htm (previous replies)
cid_image001.gif@01CAF6A3 (2).B1FB0280 (signature logos?)
cid_image001.gif@01CAF6A3.B1FB0280 (signature logos?)
logo.dat (signature logos?)
logo (1).dat (signature logos?)
logo (2).dat (signature logos?)
logo (3).dat (signature logos?)

Geeze :(

And also when I'm copying some text from a website and paste it into mail client it keeps the original font size... The mail becomes strange because it has different font sizes and there's no way I can put it all the same size unless I take the 11 steps mentioned in the beginning of the post.

Like in any mail client, it would be wonderful to have iPhone's mails client to have a quick button to force PLAIN TEXT when composing / replying and get rid of different formatting, a lot of attachments and 'hidden' replies!

Any ideas? thanks.

Thank you for your reply.

Google is really our friend, but in this case, I could not find this issue there...

And we are really talking about different things here...

Actually in iPhone it IS possible for you to send formatted mail... That post from Allan Sampson is simply NOT TRUE:

The iPhone does not support composing email in RTF or HTML, so the font type, size, or style cannot be changed. The iPhone's Mail client supports composing email in Plain Text only.

That's exactly what I wanted!!! But sadly, as I said, NOT true at all...!!!

Simply write an email with your iPhone mail client and then paste, in the middle of the text, some text copied from a website and watch what it happens!

Just try it ;)
i'm not gonna do your searching for you, but if you go to the Apple website, click support, click iPhone, click email, you will find a wealth of information on the subject. You will also learn why your emails are displaying as they do, and you just might find out what format iPhone uses to compose mail. Of course, I suppose that Apple could be wrong.
i'm not gonna do your searching for you, but if you go to the Apple website, click support, click iPhone, click email, you will find a wealth of information on the subject. You will also learn why your emails are displaying as they do, and you just might find out what format iPhone uses to compose mail. Of course, I suppose that Apple could be wrong.

Do I sense a little sarcasm here?

Anyway, I don't want you to search for me. I just asked you to try it. That's all. Try to send an email trought iPhone with formatted text copied from (p.e.) a website. Send that email to a lot of different accounts with different mail clients (outlook, gmail, firebird, etc). You will find out that the email arrives WITH formatted text, with different fonts and font sizes, etc. No plain text with a specific format! I'm talking about really different and VARIOUS font types in the same email... And, by the way, a lot of stupid and ridiculous attachments...

Your solution for this: Warn ALL my customers to change settings in their mail clients just because I'm sending mails from an iPhone?
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Do I sense a little sarcasm here?
I don't know what you sense!
Try to send an email trought iPhone with formatted text copied from (p.e.) a website. Send that email to a lot of different accounts with different mail clients (outlook, gmail, firebird, etc).
I don't need or want to 'try"! I know exactly what will happen.

You will find out that the email arrives WITH formatted text, with different fonts and font sizes, etc. No plain text with a specific format! I'm talking about really different and VARIOUS font types in the same email... And, by the way, a lot of stupid and ridiculous attachments...
I can tell by that statement that either you didn't read what is on the Apple Support web site or that you think that Apple is incorrect.
No need to be rude, if you don't want to help the OP, just ignore this thread.

I did try to copy texts from Safari, paste them into Mail and send to two different accounts. It's indeed HTML or rich text, i.e. with the original fonts.

I also went to Apple Support where I didn't find anything useful regarding this matter. In the Apple Support Discussions forum, there is one poster regretting the lack of mail format control that he had with his Blackberry.
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Exactly for not finding anything on apple support, I came to this forum where a lot of people reply almost immediately, like you.

I appreciate your reply. I really do. That's what we all appreciate: other's replies trying to help.

Your first post as absolutely nothing to do with the issue I presented here and now, I just think you are showing excessive proud and arrogance because either you're wrongly sticking to it or you have other solution in mind and you won't say anything else.

Please go and reply to the other thousands of threads that need your knowledge. I noticed that you do it everyday, so keep doing it.

I have talked with you in a peaceful manner but I can see that it's no use. Since you are just rude or cocky, please don't reply again in this thread because I already know that:

I don't need or want to 'try"! I know exactly what will happen.
No need to be rude, if you don't want to help the OP, just ignore this thread.

I did try to copy texts from Safari, paste them into Mail and send to two different accounts. It's indeed HTML or rich text, i.e. with the original fonts.

I also went to Apple Support where I didn't find anything useful regarding this matter. In the Apple Support Discussions forum, there is one poster regretting the lack of mail format control that he had with his Blackberry.

Thank you very much lapocompris.

This is, in fact, an unsolved matter for iPhone users.
No need to be rude, if you don't want to help the OP, just ignore this thread.
My intention was not to be rude, I apologize, If that's the way it came across.

That said, I gave the OP a link to the correct answer to the first post, but he simply refuses to believe it, stating
Actually in iPhone it IS possible for you to send formatted mail... That post from Allan Sampson is simply NOT TRUE:
He posted the same question on the Apple support site and got a very good explanation, with the very same answer.

I did try to copy texts from Safari, paste them into Mail and send to two different accounts. It's indeed HTML or rich text, i.e. with the original fonts.
The post on Apple support explains why this happens. The iPhone mail client composes mail in plain text only.
The iPhone's Mail app renders HTML recieved and supports forwarding HTML recieved with a message including HTML copied from a website and pasted in a message, but supports composing in plain text only. As you will notice, the two key words here are composing and rendering.

This link may help explain why those binary attachments are received when replying to a HTML email.

I also went to Apple Support where I didn't find anything useful regarding this matter.
All of the above info came directly from, or is linked from, the Apple support site.
Hello James,

Thank you for your reply.

The first link you sent me was this one (posted Yesterday at 17:21):

In this link there is nothing about rendering. Nothing that explains what's going on. It just says:
"The iPhone does not support composing email in RTF or HTML, so the font type, size, or style cannot be changed. The iPhone's Mail client supports composing email in Plain Text only."

And that's it.

I repeat: I was thankful for your post and help but, unfortunately, it had nothing to do with what I was asking (a way to force plain text in iPhone's mail client).

So, your link not only was NOT answering my question but it was also turning my question into complete nonsense!!! And that's what you thought: my question did not make any sense!

So, then you insisted that the link you gave me was just fine and sufficient!!! Of course, our discussion came solely from this post and you insisting that the link was "sufficient"!

Today, you present me this post:

I have to say that, if it is not, it should be really embarrassing to you because that link is EXACTLY MY post that I posted TODAY with the exact same question!

And ONLY NOW the same Mr. Allan Sampson says that the iPhone renders HTML! It is the first time that I see someone talking about this! A TODAY'S post!

And additionally, this post STILL gives me NO solution to force all text mail into PLAIN TEXT, like Outlook can do with a click:


Thank you again for turning this conversation into an emotive and interesting post.
Hello James,

Thank you for your reply.
There is no, need to thank me, I wasn't replying to you. If you read the post in it's entirety, you will see that I was replying to lapocompris.

that link is EXACTLY MY post that I posted TODAY with the exact same question!
As I clearly stated in the post, but you obviously didn't read that.

So, your link not only was NOT answering my question but it was also turning my question into complete nonsense!!! And that's what you thought: my question did not make any sense!
Here is your queation!
Is there a direct way to turn all the mail text into unformatted text (plain text) when replying / composing mail in iPhone's mail client?
If those links don't answer your question, it's because you choose not to believe them.

It's kinda like this post where you clearly hadn't done any searching, and five people tried in vain to answer your questions.
JamesMB said:
There is no, need to thank me, I wasn't replying to you. If you read the post in it's entirety, you will see that I was replying to lapocompris.

Hi JamesMB,

Maybe this forum, like others I visit, should have an indication to whom are we replying to. But if there is an indication, I didn't see it. That's why I'm beginning my post with "Hi, <person I'm replying to>". But it doesn't matter now... Because I'm having the time of my life reading your post!!! :eek:

JamesMB said:
Here is your question!
Is there a direct way to turn all the mail text into unformatted text (plain text) when replying / composing mail in iPhone's mail client?
If those links don't answer your question, it's because you choose not to believe them.

This is UNBELIEVABLE... Are you focusing the whole meaning of my question to ONE WORD only? :D

Have you noticed that the rest of the question has just a few more words (about 23) that MAYBE give other meaning? Oh.. And the rest of the post? Maybe some more hundreds words? HAHAHA! :)
"Is there a direct way to turn all the mail text into unformatted text (plain text) when replying / composing mail in iPhone's mail client?[/I]"

After this, it's clearly obvious that we won't go anywhere with this conversation! :D

JamesMB said:
It's kinda like this post where you clearly hadn't done any searching, and five people tried in vain to answer your questions. If those links don't answer your question, it's because you choose not to believe them.

And this one is even MORE UNBELIEVABLE... :p

I'm very sorry to say this, but I cannot remember a better comparison than a kid making complains about a classmate to the teacher... No offence, really. It's just my way of saying that maybe you're just accusing me of giving you a hard time when you could just ignore my questions, but you chose to answer them and get mad ... Your choice ;)

Like I said it that specific post, I was asking if some kind of behaviour would enhance battery life and the answers were: "don't bother" / "it is sufficient"... Maybe I'm kind of dyslexic or maybe we don't need to be wasting more of our precious time (at least mine is) with this, right? :)

Thank you anyway. Really. This conversations sometimes make us realize that we may be mistaken even when we are always pretty sure we are right. :cool:
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Is there a direct way to turn all the mail text into unformatted text (plain text) when replying / composing mail in iPhone's mail client?

I was able to force plain text by selecting the text from a previous reply and hitting the Reply button.

There were no images in the earlier reply, only a formatted link.

Oddly, if I exited the message and viewed it again and did the same thing, this did not work. I had to view another email, then view the previous one, select the text and then it worked again properly.
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