Yeah, apps won't go into fullscreen unless you tell them to, so what's the problem?
The problem is, some of my "old folks" clients don't know that they accidentally entered full screen, don't remember how to get out if they get in, and keep calling me because "the menu and dock disappeared."
Yes, I do keep telling them how to fix it. Yes, I have written it down for them.
Is there a way to just permanently disable full screen mode across system wide?
The problem is that other icons, such as the floating Jing icon linger right at the full screen hot spot. Just have the mouse pointer out of position by one pixel or click one millisecond too soon, and you are forced into Googling an arcane keystroke that you forgot. Life should not be this difficult, especially for a feature that some folks don't want/need in the first place.Yeah, apps won't go into fullscreen unless you tell them to, so what's the problem?
The biggest issue I have with fullscreen mode is the inability to have other apps 'overlay' on top of the fullsceen app. For instance the DirecTV plugin likes to now use OSX fullscreen mode for watching TV in the browser, which then means I cannot use other software to overlay on top (like my bike workout trainer software).
I am pretty much forced to install Windows 7 on my Mac Mini in my workout room now as there is now no way I can watch TV and display my current workout progress on the same screen under Mac OS. And the DirecTV plugin does not seem to have any option to not use OSX fullscreen mode that I can find.
Apple should make this feature optional, so you can have fullscreen apps simply display a fullscreen window in the current space and not require a whole new space.
Hello all, simple question: is it possible to completely disable the fullscreen feature in Mountain Lion?
Have you solved it?
I have googled and everybody talks about Option+Green button. **I don't want to press Option, I just want to press the green button**
The fullscreen mode is one of the worst implementations ever. That and the removal of "Save as".