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Original poster
Mar 26, 2008

i disabled iTunes Match on my iPad because i'm sick of all the mess its doing. but its still showing me the cloud icon on some of the albums

see ..


and what is that silly spinning wheel still doing anyway? its been there for hours
What happens if you close the app, kill it in the task bar, and re-launch it?

I have noticed that on some occasions doing so will expedite any changes taking place within
What happens if you close the app, kill it in the task bar, and re-launch it?

I have noticed that on some occasions doing so will expedite any changes taking place within

the clouds are still there :mad: tho it stopped with the wheel spinning
1) Go to Settings > Music
2) Turn 'iTunes Match' on
3) Press Enable
3) Turn 'Show All Music' off
4) Turn 'iTunes Match' back off
5) Close the Music app if it's running in the multitask bar
6) Open the Music app and all cloud-based music should be gone
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