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macrumors newbie
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Sep 16, 2013
Like many users I have endured the dreaded .2mbs throttle from AT&T for months. I use pandora/spotify all day while I work, so reaching 5gb can take less than 10days. I discovered a solution that worked months ago on iOS 6, but it hasn't worked since (March?)

I decided to try it with iOS 7 beta 5 and voila!! My speeds go from .2mb/s to 40mb/s. It stays this way until I restart my phone or toggle LTE.

Start with disabling LTE then turn on airplane mode.

Call yourself, when prompted disable airplane mode.

Hang up after 5 secs, then enable LTE

You are now unthrottled :)

Confirmed working with iOS 7 iPhone 5


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I thought you had to do 6 spins around you phone and jump up and down 4 times.
And then you're unthrottled.

I heard that works too ;P

This has been working for me for the past week, I'm guessing it will be fixed but in the meantime enjoy the fullspeed :)
Bump, still works
I can confirm, this trick works. I was using this trick on ios 6 (iphone 5) for months to work-around att's throttling. I never publicly posted this trick (worried someone from att would see it and patch the 'mistake' in their system), but I'm glad someone else found this trick to be working too. I average around 30-40 GB /month.....thanx to MOVIE BOX, XBMC, and tethering on my iphone 5.
100% confirmed working. I have been throttled to .48mb the past few days, I totally forgot about this trick. Boom, now up to 6mb!:D
cycle date is Thursday and i'm already at 4.9GB. ATT throttled me earlier in the month when I hit 3GB. called them and they removed it, now im closing in on 5GB which I've never even gotten to 4GB before. i'll need this for tomorrow at least to get through the day until the billing cycle ends. I don't get how I got there so fast?

going straight to voicemail when on airplane mode?
I am trying to do it and I hit disable then hit call it went to voicemail hanged up turn on LTE n nothing worked. Please help me.


100% confirmed working. I have been throttled to .48mb the past few days, I totally forgot about this trick. Boom, now up to 6mb!:D

Please help me I did all the steps hit disable when prompted hit call went to voicemail hanged up n turned on LTE n did not work.
I'll have to try this out, I also get throttled by AT&T from time to time. I mostly use my phone for streaming videos (Netflix, Hulu), and it takes a toll on data. Not to mention my battery life.
I'll have to try this out, I also get throttled by AT&T from time to time. I mostly use my phone for streaming videos (Netflix, Hulu), and it takes a toll on data. Not to mention my battery life.

Did it work for you??????
So this stopped working for me today (iPhone 5 7.0.4) after 30+ attempts I couldn't disable the throttling.

BUT I did figure out a different method :)

Turn ON airplane mode
Shut off your phone
Turn on your phone
Call yourself
When asked disable airplane mode
Then IMMEDIATELY call yourself
Hang up after 10secs
Turn on LTE

This just worked for me like before

It "might" be from using a different tower but it's not easy to tell.

I did notice when making a call that LTE gets disabled and you go back to being throttled. Doing the standard method without restarting the phone then worked


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thanks to wayoff333

confirmed working (wayoff333, old method wasn't working for me either. being explicit about the method made the difference. (att 5s ios 7.04)


Stopped working for me as well..... This sucks

somebody should do something about these throttling thugs (at&t and the like).
So this stopped working for me today (iPhone 5 7.0.4) after 30+ attempts I couldn't disable the throttling.

BUT I did figure out a different method :)

Turn ON airplane mode
Shut off your phone
Turn on your phone
Call yourself
When asked disable airplane mode
Then IMMEDIATELY call yourself
Hang up after 10secs
Turn on LTE

This just worked for me like before

It "might" be from using a different tower but it's not easy to tell.

I did notice when making a call that LTE gets disabled and you go back to being throttled. Doing the standard method without restarting the phone then worked

is it 10 seconds from when you call or 10 seconds that the call is connected?
The first method worked for me today around 3 pm EST, but it seems my speeds are back down to .2 Mbps. Any other ideas on how to disable this crap?
I had this method work three times over the weekend but this morning I can not seem to get it to work. I've done with and without shutoff and it still keeps me throttled.

To me, this seems like it is something on AT&T's end and doing these steps tricks the tower into not throttling you. Most likely there is no way to get around throttling with a Jailbreak crack. Which really sucks because now that I can share my LTE with my iPad again, it'd be nice to use it unthrottled.
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