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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 18, 2012
Hi all,

I'm in the process of upgrading to Yosemite. I want to temporarily turn off my Filevault in my security preferences. If I turn Filevault off and my computer restarts, will I need the decryption key or do I need that key for something else? I'm a little bit confused about the process.
Turn off file vault and wait for the process to complete. When file vault is turned off it decrypts the contents of your drive/home folder and you will no longer need the decryption key. Be sure to backup everything before the upgrade!
I upgraded to Yosemite without issue with FileVault on. However, I have also disabled FileVault on Mavericks in the past, and there is nothing more that needs to be done than turning it off in the system preferences. I did not need any decryption keys.
Thanks so much! So the recovery key that was generated is just for backup purposes? I.e. in this case, when turning it off, I will just need my regular login password and not the generated key, correct?


I upgraded to Yosemite without issue with FileVault on. However, I have also disabled FileVault on Mavericks in the past, and there is nothing more that needs to be done than turning it off in the system preferences. I did not need any decryption keys.

Thank you!
Thanks so much! So the recovery key that was generated is just for backup purposes? I.e. in this case, when turning it off, I will just need my regular login password and not the generated key, correct?


Thank you!

Once you turn off FileVault, the drive will start to decrypt. The generated key will be of no use once the drive is decrypted. If you want to turn Filevault back on after installation of Yosemite, you will get a new key provided you turn on FileVault manually via system preferences. If you turn it on via the default install settings for Yosemite, you will not get a key.
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