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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 24, 2003
I've recently bought a Spyder 2 to use on my Apple 23" aluminium, and 13" MacBook displays but have so far been massively disappointed with its results.

I attempted to use a recommendation of:

White point - 6500
Gamma - 2.2
Luminance - 110 to 140

The result was very cold, and not at all pleasing to the eye.

I then tried the following settings:


These are much more appealing to the eye, but having edited a photo (using Lightroom) have found the colours to be way too OTT on another calibrated display.

The photo in question:


I've noticed too that chromatic aberration has been highlighted since the shot has been processed.

I've been letting my displays warm up for an hour plus, and calibrate in a darkened room with the display at full brightness.

Can anybody recommend any improved settings, or a suggestion as to where I may be going wrong?

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
Put everything back to default, toss the Spyder in the trash, and edit by the numbers, which should be even easier using Lightroom than Aperture.

Seriously though, the color issues you are having may stem from a combination of how your camera processes JPGs (if you shoot JPG), the monitor calibration, and how you edit your image (especially if you go by your eyesight and not the numbers).


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 24, 2003
Put everything back to default, toss the Spyder in the trash, and edit by the numbers, which should be even easier using Lightroom than Aperture.

Seriously though, the color issues you are having may stem from a combination of how your camera processes JPGs (if you shoot JPG), the monitor calibration, and how you edit your image (especially if you go by your eyesight and not the numbers).

Edit by numbers? :confused:

I shoot RAW only, and so this should eliminate any problem with the camera :)


macrumors 6502a
Apr 25, 2004
Heber Springs, AR
New Spyder3 Elite

  • Intelligent Ambient Light Control: Automatically measures ambient light in the room to deliver a new level of calibration precision and unique options to either adjust room light settings or the display profile. It also conveniently captures a history of light conditions to distinguish light changes from studio flashes or shadows.
  • Unlimited Target Choices: User-defined calibration targets and the ability to customize their own choice of white point and gamma combinations to best match working conditions provides photographers with total control within their digital workflow.
  • Easy-To-Use Dual Mode Software: Offers two software modes to choose from - Assistant-based interface walks you through the process, or an Expert Console is available for the advanced user. The Display Assistants allows you to enter and store specific device information to save time during future calibrations.
  • Expert Console: Users can set their own expectations by controlling all calibration parameters and actions from one comprehensive window. Its L-Star Calibration Option uses patented technology as an alternative to typical gamma settings to generate unique tonal response curves for open shadows and detailed highlights.
  • Real-time Calibration Monitoring: Incorporates ongoing background checks of calibration and profile settings to ensure the display color is accurate.
  • Notebook and Projector Calibration Modes: The only affordable solution that will calibrate all your displays, including projectors.
  • Multiple Display Calibration: StudioMatch™ guides you through calibrating all of your studio displays to a single calibration target. The Assistant accounts for each display's white and black luminance as well as studio light conditions.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
The LCD panel in the new Aluminum iMac is not the best. The glossy screen effects the calibration. Try turning off all the room lights and doing the calibration in the dark. Don't use full brightness on the display. The correct way is to reduce the brightness until you can just see the difference between the last two shades of white. For my "old" iMac this means about 1/2 scale on brightness.

This way the glossy screen can't reflect room light back into the colorimeter.

The other problem with the glossy screen is that even if it is calibrated it makes the image appear to have more contrast then it really does. This is why is is popular with non-technical consumers - it makes all the colors look brighter.

Don't throw the Spyder away. It's just that Apple went cheap and used such a low spec screen on the new iMacs


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
The LCD panel in the new Aluminum iMac is not the best. The glossy screen effects the calibration. Try turning off all the room lights and doing the calibration in the dark. Don't use full brightness on the display. The correct way is to reduce the brightness until you can just see the difference between the last two shades of white. For my "old" iMac this means about 1/2 scale on brightness.

This way the glossy screen can't reflect room light back into the colorimeter.

The other problem with the glossy screen is that even if it is calibrated it makes the image appear to have more contrast then it really does. This is why is is popular with non-technical consumers - it makes all the colors look brighter.

Don't throw the Spyder away. It's just that Apple went cheap and used such a low spec screen on the new iMacs

Uh, how is that topical? This guy has an ACD and a Macbook?


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2001
Sendai, Japan
I have a Spyder 2 Express and I'm very, very happy with it. I think something is wrong here …*

Two guesses:
(i) Some versions of the Spyder 2 software can calibrate only one monitor (something that can easily be circumvented). So it might be that you are simply using the wrong profile for the wrong screen. Calibrate one screen, then rename the profile, then calibrate the other.
(ii) Your Spyder colorimeter is defective. You need to have it replaced.

You may also want to try your ColorSpyder on the calibrated monitor you've mentioned before. What difference do you see?

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
Just to clarify - when you say you edited this photo with Lightroom, and you discuss multiple different calibrated monitors - did you edit the photo on a monitor you calibrated yourself using the Spyder 2? Are all the monitors mentioned in your post calibrated by you using the Spyder 2?

I've been quite pleased with my Spyder 2 Pro.

Father Jack

macrumors 68020
Jan 1, 2007
I've been using the Spyder 2 Pro for two years on my 23" ACD and more lately on my 30" Dell.

Absolutely first class ... :)
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