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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 23, 2005
London, England.

Just as on Windows, is there a way to defragment your Mac hdd to make it faster or any other way to make it faster.

Also, how can i increase the Virtual Memory?
OS X Defrags any files (or fragments) under a certain size (20 MB, I believe) automatically. Files larger than the limit are not supposed to affect performance because the drive has time to seek to the next part of the file fragment while the previous fragment is still begin transferred. Thus the speed of the file transfer is not affected.

And to check the size of your Virtual Memory, you can look in Activity Monitor under memory usage, although (as stated above) there aren't any setting for you to change or adjust.

Is your machine feeling sluggish? You asked originally for a way to increase speed. Memory is usually going to be the first answer. What kind of Mac do you have and how much memory is installed?
I've got the latest Powerbook G4 with a 1.67GHZ PowerPC G4 CPU and 1GB DDR2 SDRAM Memory.

Its just like when surfing web pages and on iTunes, when you scroll down the pages theres lag, which im led to believe is because of a lack of Virtual Memory.
wasimyaqoob said:
I've got the latest Powerbook G4 with a 1.67GHZ PowerPC G4 CPU and 1GB DDR2 SDRAM Memory.

Its just like when surfing web pages and on iTunes, when you scroll down the pages theres lag, which im led to believe is because of a lack of Virtual Memory.

Who or what has led you to believe this? They are wrong. If you run out of Virtual Memory your startup disk will be full. At this point in time OSX puts a big warning on your screen saying "Startup disk almost full". More likely you need more real memory. Or close some open applications.
wasimyaqoob said:
I've got the latest Powerbook G4 with a 1.67GHZ PowerPC G4 CPU and 1GB DDR2 SDRAM Memory.

Its just like when surfing web pages and on iTunes, when you scroll down the pages theres lag, which im led to believe is because of a lack of Virtual Memory.

For your needs, that should be plenty of Ram. I don't know what's wrong with iTunes though I have 768Mb of Ram and there is no lag. Use Activity Monitor to narrow down what might be using up alot of Ram and CPU cycles. Widgets is the main thing that pops in mind for Ram usage.
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