I'm on a 2019 iMac running Mojave with a 500GB SSD, and the amount of disk space free seems to be completely false, as if there is 100GB of ghost data hiding somewhere.
I tried using OmniDiskSweeper to get a closer look, only to end being more confused. I'm logged into my account, which (as far as I know but I dunno at this point) has access to all files and folders within the drive, so I don't know why the amount of data found on ODS is so much less than everywhere else.
I deleted the local timemachine snapshots in terminal, but that only freed up a couple GB.
Next two screenshots are from ODS:
I tried using OmniDiskSweeper to get a closer look, only to end being more confused. I'm logged into my account, which (as far as I know but I dunno at this point) has access to all files and folders within the drive, so I don't know why the amount of data found on ODS is so much less than everywhere else.
I deleted the local timemachine snapshots in terminal, but that only freed up a couple GB.
Next two screenshots are from ODS: