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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 17, 2020
Hi all,
I have an iMac 14,1 with a 1TB HDD, formerly running Mojave. I was creating a partition for a Linux installation when Disk Utility crashed. I reopened it to find that the partition for Linux exists but is in APFS format, and my MacOS partition has been renamed to disk0s2 with 'unknown' format. After rebooting, MacintoshHD does not show in the boot menu and I can't install it in Recovery Mode. Typing "diskutil cs list" into terminal gives "No CoreStorage logical volume groups found". Here's what I get from diskutil list:

Disk0s2 is what used to be my MacOS partition, disk0s3 is the partition I created for my Linux installation, and disk0s4 and disk0s5 are for an existing Ubuntu installation (the small one is swap).
Possibly related; the Ubuntu installation refuses to boot since yesterday morning (it just goes to the black screen and blinking cursor). Could this signify disk failure or corruption?

Ideally I'd like to keep the data on the drive, but it won't be the end of the world if I lose it. Is there any way to restore MacOS? I'm sort of a noob so simpler answers are appreciated.



macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
My guess (and it's ONLY "a guess") is that the easiest way to get going again will be to boot to INTERNET RECOVERY (NOT to "the recovery partition"), then use Disk Utility to ERASE the entire drive, and start over.
Get your partitions set, then open the Mac OS installer and re-install the OS.
Once you have that running, try fiddlin' with linux again.

Internet recovery:
Command-OPTION-R at boot.
You will need your wifi password if you're using wifi.
It will take a while to load - be patient.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 17, 2020
It worked, and I now have functional MacOS and Linux installations. Thank you for the help!
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