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Original poster
Dec 2, 2022
Sorry for my bad English.

I have three external ssd drives.

1 samsung t7 shield 2tb

1 samsung t7 shield 1tb

1 samsung t5 500gb

I can without any problems format the t7 shield 2tb and the t5 500gb (using APFS / GUID). But when I try to format the t7 shield 1tb, using the same APFS / GUID choice it looks all weird with blue/red/orange colored "bar" (in the drive info), when the other drives just have a blue "bar". It also looks like it got a weird number of "containers" in the sidebar.

Skärmavbild 2022-12-02 kl. 23.47.48.png

Skärmavbild 2022-12-02 kl. 23.39.46.png

What is going on with the drive?

And when looking at the drive information the T7 shield 2tb and the T5 says Solid sate, while the T7 shield 1tb just says Drive (skiva). Could this be a problem? Is the drive actually "faulty" not showing solid state like the others?

I also noticed that when erasing the disk, I get the option "security options" (säkerhetsalternativ). But only on this disk. Not the 2 working correctly. (see last image)

Skärmavbild 2022-12-02 kl. 23.46.34.png

Drives are all NEW.

Could samsung have put a wrong drive in, not being a SSD?

Just did a speed test with BlackMagic Speed Test.

The 1tb t7 shield got:


Surely must be something wrong with it? And could that be why the disk info says Disk instead of Solid State? Being so slow, that the system recognize it as a "regular disk"?


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Could be the cable.
Could be the drive.

DISCONNECT all other drives except the 1tb t7 Shield, and try again.

In disk utility, make sure you go to the "view" menu and choose "show all devices".
If you are trying to format it to APFS, try this:
1. Format it for Mac OS Extended, GUID partition format
and then...
2. Go to the menu bar and find the "convert to APFS" option, and try that.
No promises.


macrumors 68030
Jan 3, 2014
Silicon Valley, CA
The Security option likely refers to FW key capabilities the drive might have to encrypt. The virtual containers are all 1TB, it is possible that either their security software or your initialization process went haywire.
You could erase/partition the whole drive to FAT32 and see how that looks. If it is ok, change to AFPS.


Original poster
Dec 2, 2022
Thank you so much for the "input" guys.

I did try formatting the drive several times (with "show all devices" and choosing the "top layer"). First Os Extended and GUID. And after that AFPS.

Did not understand why the other drive (2tb version) did not have the same Security Option "button".

Edit: After changing around with the cables between the different drives, for like the 100th time, something happened. The 1tb Drive miraculously showed up as a Solid State instead of just Disk. And is now having roughly the same speed as the 2tb version. And the Security Option "button" is now not present anymore. The red bar is alson gone. Very strange.

Could it been that the somewhat "shaky" connection, made the Mac believe is was an older slower drive. Labeling It and handling it like that?

So I guess it must have been some "loose connection" or something else related to the cable?

Fingers crossed it keeps working.

Thanks again!


macrumors regular
Jun 7, 2019
I've got a maxed out M2 MBA. I just bought a Samsung T7 Shield 4TB SSD in the hopes it would serve as a fast, reliable, storage drive. I'm finding the write speeds of 850+ MB/s in line with what I expected. But I'm only getting Read speeds of 300 MB/s max. Is this a faulty drive or what is going on? I've tried different cables (including TB4 cables), ports, etc...

I'm formatted it as an APFS, which I understand is the proper format. I had tried a T7 Touch 2TB, which was actually faster on the Read speeds.

Seems odd as I was under the impression the T7 Shield was faster. Any thoughts on what's going on?
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