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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 10, 2018
Hi everybody!
I have a G-DRIVE pro thunderbolt drive that contains about 3Gs of material I desperately need to backup. I want a replica/clone so that the directories stay the same in all my projects. I was advised to use Disk Utility>Restore from>G-DRIVE to LaCie drive
Seems straight forward enough BUT I get this message immediately:
Source Volume Format on device /dev/disk3"is not valid for restoring
Could not validate source - error 254

Please advise! Thank you!!!


macrumors 6502a
Sep 10, 2012
Plug your 2 drives in. Open 2 separate Finder windows, use one to look at the source drive and the other to look at the backup drive. Highlight all the stuff on the original drive and drag and drop it onto the other drive in the other Finder window. Alternatively you only need 1 Finder window, use it to look at and select all the content on your source drive, which you then drag and drop onto the icon of the other drive which will be in the left-hand list on the same window.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
If the advice in reply 2 doesn't do it for you, try this:

1. Download CarbonCopyCloner from here:
Carbon Copy Cloner - Download
(CCC is FREE to download and use for 30 days)
2. Use CCC to clone contents of source drive to target.
3. Target will be EXACT copy of the source.
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