this keeps going away then coming back. certain colors on my mac cause the screen to display neon green or hot pink colors that kinda flash or flicker. right now some of the text on the tabs of this website (Mac Rumors, Page 2, etc.) are speckled with green. it's very faint but it's there. there is also a section of my background that flashes green tiny pixels. i took a screen grab of that section to see what would happen, and no matter where i move the little window of what i grabbed around on the screen it still flickers. but it comes and goes. earlier there was a ton of pink everywhere, but that has seemed to have subsided. at one point on the start up screen the grey apple was in the middle of a pink screen. does anyone here have any experience with this? i always like to know what could be the problem before i call applecare. i thank people on these forums that are willing to share.