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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 25, 2008
Hi, i'm Juny

I just bought a imac Alu 20" 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo a few months ago. I love it but i'm a new mac user. Now i have a problem with my display or graphics card i dont know. I made a screenshot and a photo to explain my problem.

The first picture is a screenshot and it looks normal.

The second picture i took with my cell and thats how i view the screen.

As you can see i got some weird black/gray lines on the dark part of the wallpaper and some icons. The rest looks fine e.g Windows etc. but only some images give me some weird lines.

I installed windows and linux on the mac and the problem remaind, it worked fine before, and sometimes it will switch back to normal for a couple of hours but then i get the weird lines again.

Sorry for my bad english.

Gr. Juny
goto system preferences. click on display. set colors to millions instead of thousands.

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