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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
edit: Disregard the post! It was for the intel 4600 and not the intel 5100 thanks for those who reminded me that there are multiple igpu's for this generation! Again i had thought this was for the intel 5100 but it wasn't it was for the 4600
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macrumors Pentium
May 18, 2008
Um, which particular variant of the Haswell GPU are you talking about? Your realize there are 3 or 4 of them right?

Also, FPS != the end all and be all of GPU power.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
Um, which particular variant of the Haswell GPU are you talking about? Your realize there are 3 or 4 of them right?

Also, FPS != the end all and be all of GPU power.

It's the 4600 one they haven't done one at the 5100.


You should have probably read up more on Haswell before posting this.

Thanks for the catch! Didn't realize it was the 4600


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2010
OP, showing buyers remorse already and the 2nd gen hasnt been announced yet

the 1st gen rMBP values are going to tank


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
OP, showing buyers remorse already and the 2nd gen hasnt been announced yet

the 1st gen rMBP values are going to tank

No not really, I knew what I was buying last year. I don't buy on a yearly basis like some. I buy on my needs/usage, my 06 Macbook was no longer powerful enough to suit my needs with heavy video/photo editing (GMA 950 anyone). This rMBP is more than enough power for my needs. So until this starts to show its age then the value holds for myself.
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