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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 10, 2006
I've had a macbook for just over a month now... Everything was running smoothly until 2 days ago when all of a sudden the macbook just shut down..., thinking it was just a freak occurance, i rebooted and all was well, until, yes u guessed it, it shut down again. Ok, not knowing wat to do (because im a switcher) i came on this forum and read about similar problems... I reset the PMU, I reset the PRAM and hell i even calibrated the battery... Now the problem seems even worse...

Wat is the cause of this madness??? The main reason im disappointed is that its the weekend and the applecare is closed.... I Need to use my machine!!!!!!

Will they replace the whole machine or just the battery?? Any body know wats the cause?? Faulty logic board?? Wat??

Thanks P.....................
Peruvian said:
I've had a macbook for just over a month now... Everything was running smoothly until 2 days ago when all of a sudden the macbook just shut down..., thinking it was just a freak occurance, i rebooted and all was well, until, yes u guessed it, it shut down again. Ok, not knowing wat to do (because im a switcher) i came on this forum and read about similar problems... I reset the PMU, I reset the PRAM and hell i even calibrated the battery... Now the problem seems even worse...

Wat is the cause of this madness??? The main reason im disappointed is that its the weekend and the applecare is closed.... I Need to use my machine!!!!!!

Will they replace the whole machine or just the battery?? Any body know wats the cause?? Faulty logic board?? Wat??

Thanks P.....................

Hold down OPT-CMD-O-F on reboot, and when prompted enter: reset-all

Let us know if this helps.
It's hard to say. It could be the logic board as you suggest. In any case, it really sounds like some kind of hardware failure. It is one of those things that happens, and it could've happen to any laptop. You've just had some bad luck.

Call Applecare when they open and hear what they have to say. They'll probably send you a box to send the MacBook back in for repairs.
iGary said:
Hold down OPT-CMD-O-F on reboot, and when prompted enter: reset-all

Let us know if this helps.

Im new to macs... Which is the OPT key? also which is the CMD key?
OPT = Option
CMD = Command (the correct term for the key with the Apple logo on it)
Peruvian said:
Im new to macs... Which is the OPT key? also which is the CMD key?
Opt or 'option' is also know as 'alt' and has a symbol with a short line and a long line that bends to go below the short line. The cmd key is also known as the apple key and has a "point of interest" symbol (a "square" with four "curly corners")
iGary said:
Hold down OPT-CMD-O-F on reboot, and when prompted enter: reset-all

Let us know if this helps.

Just tried this and nothing happens.... just boots up as usual.....
Anyone think this could be a heat-related issue? What sort of environment are you using the Macbook in? I know some macs will shut down if they get too hot... (My Cube does this)

Otherwise, it sounds like an issue with the logic board. I would suggest getting that 'book to Apple as quick as possible.
Duffman said:
Anyone think this could be a heat-related issue? What sort of environment are you using the Macbook in? I know some macs will shut down if they get too hot... (My Cube does this)

Otherwise, it sounds like an issue with the logic board. I would suggest getting that 'book to Apple as quick as possible.

Well my macbook usually runs at an average temp of 64-65 degrees c.. Just recently i installed toast 7 and while encoding a dvd, the temp increased to around 73.. which is the hottest ive seen it,, and for the first time since i had the book, the fans kicked in...

I use the book everywhere i go..
Peruvian said:
yes but closed till monday.....

Well, your system doesn't sound normal, so maybe they will have some suggestions, or authorize an RMA replacement....

Any time I've ever called Apple, they have been really nice and quite helpful.
What the deal when they take your mac away.. Do they repair it or send out a replacement??

Also, when they replace it, do they supply you with a brand new mac or a refurb one?
Peruvian said:
What the deal when they take your mac away.. Do they repair it or send out a replacement??

Also, when they replace it, do they supply you with a brand new mac or a refurb one?

They'll send it to a repair center and have it fixed. I believe you need to have a certain number of repairs done and do a lot of arguing to get a replacement. :p
Peruvian said:
What the deal when they take your mac away.. Do they repair it or send out a replacement??

Also, when they replace it, do they supply you with a brand new mac or a refurb one?

It depends on the age...if it's only about a month old, you can usually convince them to replace it (with a new one). If it is older, they usually repair it. I haven't heard of them replacing with refurb though. I could be wrong though.
Obviously this doesn't help the current situation but it would appear that you are not the only person encountering the problem. The "good news", however, appears to be that Apple will accept to replace your computer, although I feel that should always be the case. If you get any problems with Apple, I'd suggest directing them to the linked story.
My old macbook had the same problem, but only after I updated to 10.4.7. I seem to remember another thread (I can't find it) with some other macbooks that had the same problem after the software update. I'd try downgrading to 10.4.6 if you have updated it and see if that helps.

On mine it didn't seem to be temperature related. It would be running normally on my desk with lots of ventilation when you'd suddenly hear the fans ramp up and then within five seconds it would shutdown. It drove me crazy because I knew it was coming but there wasn't quite enough time to react and save what I was working on.

On a positive note, the geniuses at the apple store agreed to replace mine. Admittedly it had the whine and moo problem as well, so I'm not sure of the exact reason they decided to replace it, but I was happy none the less.
Thanks for the help and suggestions....I'm just counting the hours till monday morning so i can call applecare.... Hopefully things will run smoothly and a replacement will be supplied....
same thing was happening to my brother - call apple they should send you a new one - they sent him one within the next week.
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