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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 29, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
Hey all, I'm just curious as to how you get in to the display on a MacBook Pro. The outer casing doesnt seem to be held in place with any screws, is it just clipped on? If so how much force is required to pop it off?

I'd really like to change the color of the backlit Apple logo on the front and have seen it done a few times, but I'm still trying to figure out exactly how to take the display apart.

Any pictures, guides, suggestions, comments would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
There are takeapart instructions available on the web that I'm sure someone else might be able to link to, but a quick Google search should find for you. Also, there's a thread here about putting a hi-rez display in a PowerBook that includes pictures of what you want--the fellow ended up using a MBP display housing to hold the panel, and there are pictures of it disassembled.
Makosuke said:
There are takeapart instructions available on the web that I'm sure someone else might be able to link to, but a quick Google search should find for you. Also, there's a thread here about putting a hi-rez display in a PowerBook that includes pictures of what you want--the fellow ended up using a MBP display housing to hold the panel, and there are pictures of it disassembled.
I guess I just don't know what to search for because I can't come up with anything at all...
After further inspection I've found 2 screws on the lower portion of the display which look as if they hold the top portion of the display housing on... I wish I would have known this last week when I completely dissasembled this notebook so I could have done it then. I'm not really all that motivated to take it back apart again. On the other hand, it wouldn't take too long to get it off as I wouldn't be going so far as to pull out the logic board this time.


Thanks for the reply mate, I did find the thread here about the HD display on the guys PowerBook, looks awesome!
The ifixit guide doesn't have anything about taking the display apart, that was the first place that I looked. They only give a guide on how to install/remove the display from the rest of the computer.'

I think I may have it figured out now, unfortunately I don't feel like taking my MBP apart again. Maybe next month.
haiggy said:
Hey dude, good news for you! My cousin actually sells these things. They are pretty cheap and great quality! You can even get customizeable ones. Check it out:

The link I provided is how to take the powerbook screen apart. (I assume its the same for the MBP seeing as its the same case)

Check out if you're interested in buying any
Hey man, thanks for the link, that is GREAT! I just bought a 3 pack of the designs, that will be awesome. Saves me the time of having to make the design myself, perfect!

As far as the dissasembly, it looks exactly the same, however the screws are much harder to get too on the 17" MBP. I think I'm going to have to take it apart again (possibly only take off the keyboard/top panel). I may end up having to completely detach the display again if I have too, but I think it's worth it, muahaha.

Thanks again for the post mate, big help!
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