Ok, so my aim is to only have one screen in my room, as my piddly little 14" TV will not be able to compete with the hopeful purchase of one of these 24" beasts.
Now, digital tv is pretty straight forward it seems, as I'm only after the freeview channels and there seem to be lots of options available for that purpose. Consoles on the other hand... I'm not so sure about...
I'm in the UK by the way...
With no video-in capabilities whatsoever on the mac i almost gave up hope, until i spotted this USB TV tuner for mac, as well as supporting digital TV, it claims to also support all current and next gen consoles with minimal latency via analogue.
Not ever having tried one of these devices before, I wonder if anyone a bit more tech savvy might know something about them?
Ok, so it seems S-video is the best connection i can get. Obviously i'm not going for HD quality here, but will this look awful on my monitor? Worse than on my 14" screen, RGB connected consoles? Will no PAL 60hz option be shooting myself in the foot for future releases (Aim to get at least a Wii, if not a PS3 at a later stage, and already own a GC and PS2)?
Also the claim of no latency is a big one, will i be mis-timing jumps and so forth as I wait for the picture on my screen to catch up with the game?
Anyway, I know theres a lot of questions there, and i'd be grateful to anyone who could shed a little light onto the subject.
Now, digital tv is pretty straight forward it seems, as I'm only after the freeview channels and there seem to be lots of options available for that purpose. Consoles on the other hand... I'm not so sure about...
I'm in the UK by the way...
With no video-in capabilities whatsoever on the mac i almost gave up hope, until i spotted this USB TV tuner for mac, as well as supporting digital TV, it claims to also support all current and next gen consoles with minimal latency via analogue.
Not ever having tried one of these devices before, I wonder if anyone a bit more tech savvy might know something about them?
Ok, so it seems S-video is the best connection i can get. Obviously i'm not going for HD quality here, but will this look awful on my monitor? Worse than on my 14" screen, RGB connected consoles? Will no PAL 60hz option be shooting myself in the foot for future releases (Aim to get at least a Wii, if not a PS3 at a later stage, and already own a GC and PS2)?
Also the claim of no latency is a big one, will i be mis-timing jumps and so forth as I wait for the picture on my screen to catch up with the game?
Anyway, I know theres a lot of questions there, and i'd be grateful to anyone who could shed a little light onto the subject.