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I recently decided to create a benchmark that tests a computer's divx encoding speed, as I could find no results of that sort for the Mac. Now I'm looking for a couple people, preferably with faster macs and some dual proccessor systems would be nice, to try it out for me. (My fastest computer is a G4 Cube, so I'd like systems faster than a 450MHz G4 ).

If you're interested PM me your system specs, and I'll send you the url to download. I'm still strying to keep this small, as I've only tested it on a few machines.

Engagebot said:
i can help. i work as a video editor full time.

i'm pretty sure my machine specs are in my signature. i'm at

I really need people with dual processors and G5s to test (this is a Mac OS X app, so it won't run on your PCs), I have already gotten a couple PowerBooks tested, but if you're still interested PM me, and I'll send you the link.
So you're not testing divx encoding speeds, you're testing your application???

Divx can be performed by any machine that has the encoder (you just have to specify what divx settings you are using and which divx codec you're using to create a proper fair experiment.) All you need to do is use the same base video file. It is not platform specific.

BTW, the dual Xeon that Engagebot has will put almost any machine to shame when it comes to video encoding. The SSE2 implementation is heavily taken advantage of by encoders and they end up being mercilessly fast machines for both audio and video encoding. A dual G5 will be nowhere near close. Even AMD machines which perform higher in other applications will trail a much slower Intel P4 or Xeon with its SSE2 instruction subset. The SIMD (Brand Name: Velocity Engine, AltiVec) on G5s are not properly taken advantage of by encoders.
legion said:
So you're not testing divx encoding speeds, you're testing your application???

No, I am testing my application. It does not actually encode any divix, it is just a front end that performs a standard encode on the same video file, and will submit the data to a web site, so people can see how their Mac compares to others. And since I encode lots of divx, I'm interested to see if there is any Mac that can encode at a similar speed to my Athlon XP.

Divx can be performed by any machine that has the encoder (you just have to specify what divx settings you are using and which divx codec you're using to create a proper fair experiment.) All you need to do is use the same base video file. It is not platform specific.

Yes, but I do not know how to create GUI applications in Windows or Linux, so this is Mac OS X only. Thank god for AppleScript Studio.

BTW, the dual Xeon that Engagebot has will put almost any machine to shame when it comes to video encoding.

Yes and so will a 1000 node cluster, but that's not the point. It's to see how your Mac compares to others. Some people only own one computer, and that computer might be a sub 500mhz machine, but they still might like to encode video in divx.

The SIMD (Brand Name: Velocity Engine, AltiVec) on G5s are not properly taken advantage of by encoders.

Sure the G5s are not, but there is some Altivec optimizations (in fact my Cube encodes at more than 2x the speed when Altivec is turned on), and if it's all you got for encoding in divx, then that's what you have to work with, and seeing how it runs is only going to spurr on development of optimizations for the Mac.
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