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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 1, 2003
Montréal, Canada

so my problem is, i have program "x" that i would like to burn, the problem is, it is 1 program made up of about 13 .dmg files

anyone know how to convert it into one .dmg, or do i just burn disk image, and drag all 13 of them...

and if this matters, i have apple's disk copy(obviously) and Toast Titanium 6.0 at my disposal.


Do 12 of the files end with .dmgpart ?
if so, then put them all in the same folder, ctrl-click on the file that ends in .dmg, and select "toast it." the other 12 files will automatically be added in during the burn process.
.dmgpart, yeah thats it.. thank you, i will try that and let you know how it goes. (first have to go buy blank cd)

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