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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 30, 2009
The screen certainly looks great for displaying photos and there are all sorts of great apps for it.... but won't it substantially hurt the battery health and screen's longevity to essentially have it on 24/7?
The screen certainly looks great for displaying photos and there are all sorts of great apps for it.... but won't it substantially hurt the battery health and screen's longevity to essentially have it on 24/7?

Yes. And I often turn on photo frame for my 1 year old - she loves to sit and look at photos of the family.
Sometimes - but it slows down recharge time too much. Hope there might be a firmware fix that improves this - it's what I bought a dock for.
I don't have the dock, and the apple case seems a bit too wobbly to have on a shelf to me! I'm always a bit scared when I use it to watch videos :(
No, because what good would the picture frame do me while I'm sleeping. If I ever put it down while I'm awake I'll let you know.;)
I like that the feature is there, but I don't actually use it. Honestly, I think it would be a distraction. Maybe would use it for a party though!
Not yet, but I have definitely thought about it. Been thinking about getting a stand for the iPad for just that purpose. Then again I think about the iPad getting knocked over while on the stand and possibly damaging it. So a little torn at the moment.
I have. Would be nice to be able to change the delay time.

Or be able to pick the photos used / build photoframe playlists. I have over a thousand pictures on my iPad, I don't always want to start at picture one and march sequentially toward the end of the list every time I activate it.
I don't have the dock, and the apple case seems a bit too wobbly to have on a shelf to me! I'm always a bit scared when I use it to watch videos :(

That wobbliness is the biggest disappointment about the case for me. I think the first day I had my iPad the kids were watching a movie with it standing upright in the case on the table, and it fell on the screen on the table. I panicked, but no harm done. I haven't used the stand-up "feature" of the case since then.
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