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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 30, 2014

Hope someone can advise. Pics at bottom.

Today i noticed when i was watching a youtube video in full screen there was a horizontal bar going across top of my screen all the way across except there was about an inch each side where the horizontal line was not showing.

Thinking it was youtube or the video itself i tried a video on vimeo and the same as above. I then decided to change my desktop background to 'solid black' and choose to use 'Dark menu and Dock' from 'General' as not noticeable on light backgrounds, whilst at it i decided to check the option 'Automatically hide and show the menu bar' as it makes it easier to see.

As you can see in the images there's a a very faint horizontal bar going across the top of my screen minus about an inch each side where it does not show.

I tried Apple diagnostics, reset NVRAM and SMC problem still there. I logged out of my standard account which i use all the time on a daily basis and logged into my administrator account thinking maybe it maybe something to do with my account and problem still there.

I got into a chat with an Apple rep online and he said he could see what i meant and booked me an appointment for a week today (Saturday) at my local Genius Bar. He said did i try safe mode and i said no as to be honest i didn't think of Safe Mode, anyhow i booted into safe mode and the problem is gone regardless of whether i'm logged in to my standard account or administrator account.

I'm not sure what the problem could be. I noticed it a few weeks ago but thought it was a video on youtube until i watched another youtube video and then investigated further as above. No kernel panics or anything else from what i can tell except since doing a fresh clean install of El Capitan, when i choose to restart computer screen goes black and take allot longer until i hear the chime. Seems to take longer to restart basically but assume this is likely El Capitan and not a hardware issue as did not have long restarts in Yosemite.

Does anyone have the same problem, could you please check? is it a glitch in OS X, GPU driver glitch perhaps or hardware problem ie. GPU/Screen?

I've kept my appointment still incase it's a hardware problem and will get it checked but baffled to be honest.

Thanks for any advice etc.




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macrumors 68040
Apr 25, 2012
I would say that it looks like an LCD issue but since you tried safe mode that possibly clears that. Let the GB look at it and make a determination.

By the way, that looks like a horizontal bar...


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 30, 2014
I would say that it looks like an LCD issue but since you tried safe mode that possibly clears that. Let the GB look at it and make a determination.

By the way, that looks like a horizontal bar...

Oops yes sorry I meant Horizontal. I thought a screen issue to but since it does not appear in Safe Mode thought it maybe something else.
did you mean an horizontal bar ?
BTW I can't reproduce it on my MBP

Sorry i meant Horizontal Bar. I can only assume a screen issue although again in safe mode it does not appear :confused:


Dec 8, 2009
Oops yes sorry I meant Horizontal. I thought a screen issue to but since it does not appear in Safe Mode thought it maybe something else.

Sorry i meant Horizontal Bar. I can only assume a screen issue although again in safe mode it does not appear :confused:
I would take a Genius appointment to show the issue. They have plenty of MacBooks in the store to try to reproduce the issue


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 30, 2014
Yeah i'll have to wait until next week for my appointment, only been there i believe for past few weeks was never there before so i assume it's a screen issue or hardware related at least.

I'm also going to mention the screen bleed as well whilst i'm at it, as it's definitely worsened since owning the laptop, there was a little bit when i originally bought it in Dec 14 but was not an issue or anything for me but has gone to look worse over time so likely have it replaced anyway.

Thank you :)
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macrumors member
Oct 7, 2013
It's a hardware issue that does not manifest in safe mode due to safe mode not running your graphics adapter at its full potential.

I'd say it's bad VRAM.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 30, 2014
I downloaded Apple Service Diagnostics 3S162 for my rMBP (mid 2014), ran all the tests. It failed on Thunderbolt test and Left fan motor on first two tests then i did another three tests after and it shows passed on all of them and not showed failed again.

Maybe because of El Capitan and maybe new thunderbolt drivers or something, i really don't know as not used Apple Service Diagnostics before but last 3 tests showed all pass, unless ASD requires an update.

I said to Apple guy on the phone I think it's the screen or GPU.

However I created a new user account logged in like normal and problem is not there now. Infact the problem has not shown itself on the new user account but is on both my standard and admin account. It's very random and odd behaviour.

My appointment is Saturday so it will be going back for investigating. This is my first Apple product I've ever bought. After last two failing laptops I had when I used Windows I decided to switch to Apple. If a major problem is found then it will likely be my last Apple product to. Specially as GPU and screens seem to be somewhat a common problem. I hope it's nothing major though as I will not be taking the rMBP in to the store myself so feeling very anxious. I will be giving my friend a letter to show them at Genius Bar with my number to along with my macbook pro as my friend does not know anything about computers etc and I won't be able to go myself for medical reasons.

I'm so worried now to be honest.

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macrumors 68020
Feb 5, 2011
It's a software-related issue. I suspect that something was installed that loads at login time. The login settings aren't being copied to any newly-created users, just to ones that existed when the software was initially installed. You can either have a "Genius" figure it out further for you, or think back to anything that you may have installed that required you to type in your password to complete installation.

I may be going out on a bit of a limb here, but I'm going to assume that you don't know very much about your system. If that's accurate, then you're probably better off having the "genius" look at it.

I wouldn't worry about the TB test so much, since it's passed the same test multiple times since the first failed one. However, I would probably (if it were me) keep an eye on it for the time being, in case something happens with it. It most likely is not related to your software issue, so any panic you may be feeling is going to be for naught in that regard.
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
My appointment is Saturday so it will be going back for investigating.

That's your best bet at this point - it does look like something wonky is going on with your display, I can't see how this is software but in any case good luck


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 30, 2014
I'll take it in anyway but the only login items i have are:

Macs Fans
Itunes Helper

I'll disable later when i got time and see if it goes if not then hardware which i suspect it is too.

Thanks for the help. I'll post back later and when It's taken it to Genius Bar and update this thread.

Cheers :)


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 30, 2014
My moolah is on Unclutter being the cause of the "glitch".

I'm glad I can't see you else i'd be kissing you all over lol :p

I disabled 'Unclutter' from starting up and problem gone completely :)

My admin and standard account had Unclutter to start automatically on login which i wanted anyway, the new test account didn't, hence why new account as you say did not have problem but admin and standard account did.

As soon as i start Unclutter again it comes back, I forced quit it and it goes again as expected. It's not noticeable so doesn't bother me but i was worried at the time because I thought it was hardware but now I know it's not it's no problem. I've contacted Unclutter support team via their website with full details and screenshots so they can fix it.

Thank you very much. Feel relieved now to be honest. Sorry Apple and sorry to my rMBP for blaming you lol.
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macrumors 68020
Feb 5, 2011
They have to have a "hot zone" to detect mouse activity in order to activate their product's "slide down" UI. That hot zone is the little bar that you are seeing, which would normally be covered up by the OS X menu bar.

Since you moved your menu bar, it exposed the unsightly "hot zone" to the naked eye. I don't know enough about OS X programming to say if there is a better method for them to use, but if it were me I would at least try making the "hot zone" either transparent or to mimic dark mode if it's enabled.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 30, 2014
They have to have a "hot zone" to detect mouse activity in order to activate their product's "slide down" UI. That hot zone is the little bar that you are seeing, which would normally be covered up by the OS X menu bar.

Since you moved your menu bar, it exposed the unsightly "hot zone" to the naked eye. I don't know enough about OS X programming to say if there is a better method for them to use, but if it were me I would at least try making the "hot zone" either transparent or to mimic dark mode if it's enabled.

To be honest i'm not bothered by it now I know it's not a hardware issue, I will cancel my appointment for Genius Bar. I just checked the 'hot zone' and if i select 'use dark menu and dock' it cannot be seen.

Thank you for all the help, it was much appreciated :)
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