I have a mac mini with a 3 tb drive with 2 partishions. I also have two macbooks pros that I will like to back up over the network via time machine. All computers are running the latest Mountain Lion. I set up each partishion on the mini with the correct permishions for the macbooks. Time machine says it will take 6 days to back up 80 GB's over 802.11N. I also tryed a test with 1000GB ethernet. Same thing after about 1 hours or so the back up stops and I get a message that the disk is not properly formated. Also if the computer goes to sleep or I need to leave it will not resume the backup when I returm.
Is the only soultion to purchace Mountain Lion server? Will It be buillet proof with server?
Is the only soultion to purchace Mountain Lion server? Will It be buillet proof with server?