..so there wouldn't be a problem if 3.1 comes out, and i need to upgrade/re-JB ?
thanks...i'm a total newbie...
I think these files are required by the iphone when upgrading software. So, if a future 3.1 comes out, and the nice hacker guys modify the software (e.g. to avoid upgrading the baseband so unlocks still work), the iphone will need to see these two files before allowing the software onto it. This is my guess of how it all works anyway.
Trouble is, you can only get these files by restoring to the most up-to-date firmware. So, when Apple releases 3.1 (which will be soon) you will have to restore to that firmware to get these files. However, restoring to 3.1 might ruin your chances of a jailbreak or unlock.
So, the moral of this story is: get these files while you still can, while 3.0 is still the most up-to-date software.
Why cant someone post the ibec and ibss files up here? Do you only need to back them up if you unlock your iPhone?
I jailbroke my phone a few days after buying it and didnt know the need to capture these two files.
Im hoping I can still capture these but need to confirm on the steps necessary to avoid losing all my data/apps/settings.
What is the best way to do this? I was thinking of the following
Install the backup app from cydia and backup according to the instructions
Backup phone in itunes
DFU, capture the two files
Restore in itunes
Restore app
Is this correct? anything particular i need to do during restore in itunes so that i can restore my phone back to the way it is today?