w8ing4intelmacs said:
I'm sure
iEric appreciates that extremely helpful reply.
Let me offer a couple suggestions/comments:
A test was done a few months ago comparing the battery usage between a notebook with a 7200 rpm and a 5400 rpm HDD, and the difference in power consumption was minimal, so I wouldn't be too worried about that. Yes, there will be more power being used, obviously, but not a great deal. So, in that respect, there would be nothing wrong with going to the 7200 rpm drive.
That being said, the 5400 rpm drive is fine for almost anything you do day-to-day, unless you are heavy into video or audio work.
As for a speed increase, it depends what you are using the machine for, but in general, you should notice a definite speed increase - I have read posts from members on this forum stating they have upgraded 4200 rpm drives to 7200 rpm drives have have noticed significant improvements, so I assume going form a 5400 rpm drive to a 7200 rpm drive would produce similar, albeit not as significant, results.
Lastly, cost. Again, it comes down to what you plan on using the system for. Is this a really big deal for you? Otherwise the extra money might be better spent on upgrading the RAM or something along those lines.