Well I ran PwnageTool on my Hackintosh which was still running 7.7, was able to make the ipsw just fine. Did the actual upgrade back in Vista, though. I don't think the order matters, but you'll need 8 for the actual flash process.
So i can go ahead and do the down load of 8.0 and then the Pwnage tool and should be okay?
or does it do the upgrade for me??
No. 7.7 is fine, just as 8 is
I thought iTunes 08 doesn't allow you to restore with custom firmware?
Thats not quite right.
iTunes 8 won't let you restore using a custom firmware unless it was made using pwnage 2.1.
The devteam did something to the custom firmware to get itunes to accept it but older firmware doesn't work any longer on iTunes 8.
itunes 8 wont let me back up my phone. When it goes to back up I get the following error message:
iTunes could not back up iphone "iphone" because the iPhone has been disconnected.