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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 25, 2017
Almost all what people do on their iPads is... tap, tap and... tap.

The device is especially great for your kids, aunts, uncles, grandpas and grandmas who will always ask you for help when something breaks!

Do not take it too seriously! :)

Taaaap! ;)


This is just my personal opinion and I did not mean to hurt anyones feelings. I will think so until Apple releases deeper and more complex iOS for iPads. Now in my opinion iPads are just bigger iPhones and toys. Using the devices for creativity is not effecient. The only exception is drawing which is great.
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Do supermarkets make people food-illiterate? In the past, when people want to eat, they have to grow or raise their own food. But now, even kids think that food come from supermarkets magically.

In the past, you have to create your own programs to be used on the “computer” you bought. Do Macs make people computer-illiterate?

Apple is about mere mortals (frequently stated by Jobs himself) being able to use technology. You can see it from the moment Jobs creating the Macintosh.
Do any modern computers make people 'computer literate'? The better the system, the less literate you need to be. After the DOS prompt disappeared from view and Windows 3 emerged it opened up home computing to anyone with hand-eye coordination. The nerd, the boffin, the expert, call them what you like, were relegated, but, of course, they never became extinct.
Now from a funny side.

There is one more bad thing about iPads. iPads make people computer-illiterate, what I mean is - in the past when you wanted to do something unusual you learned new skills and did that on your PC/Mac, now people who have no real computer (PC/Mac) only tap, tap and ****ing tap. It also makes older/retired people not develop technically... but only learn to tap, tap and ****ing tap again.

Thus the device is great for your aunts, uncles, grandpas and grandmas who will always ask you for help when something breaks!

Do not take it too seriously! :)

What a load of rubbish. I have a keyboard for my iPad Pro, so how does that fit into your bizarre logic?
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My staff will be getting iPads in the fall. Except the ones I deem too computer illiterate. Some of them don't know the difference between logging onto the computer and logging into their email. I can't trust them with an iPad.
Now from a funny side.

There is one more bad thing about iPads. iPads make people computer-illiterate, what I mean is - in the past when you wanted to do something unusual you learned new skills and did that on your PC/Mac, now people who have no real computer (PC/Mac) only tap, tap and ****ing tap. It also makes older/retired people not develop technically... but only learn to tap, tap and ****ing tap again.

Thus the device is great for your aunts, uncles, grandpas and grandmas who will always ask you for help when something breaks!

Do not take it too seriously! :)

I consider it a good thing. I don’t consider it good design if I have to fiddle with the idiosyncrasies of an archaic desktop operating system.
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Now from a funny side.

There is one more bad thing about iPads. iPads make people computer-illiterate, what I mean is - in the past when you wanted to do something unusual you learned new skills and did that on your PC/Mac, now people who have no real computer (PC/Mac) only tap, tap and ****ing tap. It also makes older/retired people not develop technically... but only learn to tap, tap and ****ing tap again.

Thus the device is great for your aunts, uncles, grandpas and grandmas who will always ask you for help when something breaks!

Do not take it too seriously! :)

So what you are describing is that iPad is far easier to use than traditional computer systems (all are real computers, in a real world, so let’s stop the name calling right there).

It also shows how much time certain users need to take in complex and complicated workflows.
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iPad are computers. Their user experience are simply different than other 'traditional' computers. The users of iOS are not computer illiterate. They just speak a different language. And like many europeans, they actually speak more than one language and can do both fluently.

I say this as a person that has been using Macs since System 6.0.8 and Windows since 3.11 and have used every OS since then.
Now from a funny side.

There is one more bad thing about iPads. iPads make people computer-illiterate, what I mean is - in the past when you wanted to do something unusual you learned new skills and did that on your PC/Mac, now people who have no real computer (PC/Mac) only tap, tap and ****ing tap. It also makes older/retired people not develop technically... but only learn to tap, tap and ****ing tap again.

Thus the device is great for your aunts, uncles, grandpas and grandmas who will always ask you for help when something breaks!

Do not take it too seriously! :)

It’s just one more upgrade from a old system to a new one.
iPads do NOT make people computer illiterate. iPads help computer illiterate people to function in a society that has made using a computer essential to survival.
Maybe the iPads are just a way to obtain slightly less processing power and slightly less freedom in exchange for having to learn slightly less things and having much less control over some of your content?
Ridiculous notion! Anyone who can use device such as an iPad is hardly "computer illiterate".

I'll show you "computer illiterate": I teach senior adults (who've been out of the loop) how to use today's personal technology. Many of them have never used email, digital maps or books, surfed the web, watched YouTube, shopped online, taken digital photos, etc. Now THAT'S computer illiterate!
Proficient iPad users are uber-geeks by comparison.
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