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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 16, 2011
Harkonnen City, Gedi Prime
Hello All,
I'm what you would call an old Apple user forced to the PC side, now securely back in Apple's arm. I have a new i5 IMac, very happy, no HD issues, no yellow screen that I can tell. I also have a time mach as backup, no issues with that either. I just ought a brand new Panasonic VT55 plasma. What I want to know is, can I run the eithernet cable from the time mach to the TV, enable home share and airplay and be good. All the commercial content will probably go thru the PS3. HDMI to the TV
Thanks for any help in advance.
My first post, on my first registered forum. The knowledge base here is outstanding. Very pleased
Do you mean Time Capsule instead of time machine? If so, you'll be able to do what you want with an ATV2 and your computer running iTunes.
To blivins321
Yes my brain cough, time capsule it is. I was wondering, cant I airplay or home share just the music from itunes (no videos to speak of) to the TV/ sound system without the AT2.
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