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sorry man

wish you would have seen this post 1st I think this time not going to rejailbreak for a few days see if 3.1 comes out this week and if it solves my cell signal issues other wise might have to visit apple.
yup, I updated Categories and I think this was apart of the update, my 3G just keeps restarting

I use my 3G as the guinea pig to make sure everything is ok before I update on my 3GS

so I guess I have to restore my 3G??
I didn't realize I had installed the beta either. I updated this yesterday and I figured out how to get rid of the libhide files but now I can't use Poof to hide docs anymore. I might have to restore but I'm trying to wait for 3.1 to come out.
i decided to update my cydia...saw this and knew i read about it before.

So i installed my other updates and the libhide vanished...not showing as a update anymore. One of them was a new all sources and new boss rep i believe.
Thanks for the warning! There's a new update out now, which I think is supposed to fix that problem, but I'm going to still wait before updating. This is a much needed update though because it fixes the issue where, if you have apps in folders with categories and then you have to restore, your apps remain hidden. Using the new libhide, when you restore, they won't be hidden anymore (according to the link posted above anyway) :)

ETA: Geez, after reading that thread, I feel awful for that dev. He posted something on a BETA repo, and people are attacking and cursing at him :(
well since Big Boss

reported and blogged on it, I think he also hosted not 100% on that but I am sure he was behind getting it pulled glad the Dev took care of it too. I am unjailbroken for now after this it's really weird. I have signal issues that might require visiting apple. Also if 3.1 comes out this week I might update to see if it helps my issues. I am also guessing I can have this thread closed soon but I will give it a day or two more just in case.
Thanks for the warning! There's a new update out now, which I think is supposed to fix that problem, but I'm going to still wait before updating. This is a much needed update though because it fixes the issue where, if you have apps in folders with categories and then you have to restore, your apps remain hidden. Using the new libhide, when you restore, they won't be hidden anymore (according to the link posted above anyway) :)

ETA: Geez, after reading that thread, I feel awful for that dev. He posted something on a BETA repo, and people are attacking and cursing at him :(

No, I read that the LibHide came out as part of Categories update, so that's how so many phones got affected. I don't have the beta repo installed and Libhide came out with Categories update.

There is a new 2.02 Libhide out, but BigBoss hasn't replied if the issues are corrected in that version.
I'm not going to update then, until he responds if the issues are corrected, thanks :)

Agreed, I updated Categories, but will let Libhide set until he responds.

Edit: I found this thread LibHide 2.02 which seems to say 2.02 is not beta any longer so it should be safe.

I am gonna run a sync then give it a go. I'll report back.

Edit: I ran 2.02 update on my 3G running 3.0 and it completed fine, all is OK.

Note: It did take a long time to unpack and install. I believe the issues have been resolved.
Ok why do we need this?

I already have to many mobile substrate plugins

I installed libhide not knowin it was a mobilesubstrate app

do I really need this?

I read the descriptionnof libhide but I don't know
I was happy with categories and poof before this

is anybody not gonna install this ?
3GS Updated libhide yesterday - thought nothing of it. No problems to report.
I can see it running when I view mobilesubstrate plugins. I dont have categories but I do use bossprefs to hide icons.

Kind of strange that people are having such severe issues with this.
Just thought I'd let people know.
3GS Updated libhide yesterday - thought nothing of it. No problems to report.
I can see it running when I view mobilesubstrate plugins. I dont have categories but I do use bossprefs to hide icons.

Kind of strange that people are having such severe issues with this.
Just thought I'd let people know.

Same here. No Categories, using SBSettings to hide some apps, upgraded without any issues.
Last night, I was prompted to install libhide 2.02. I didn't, even though the participants in the thread at BigBoss said it was OK (I did not have any beta sources defined).

This morning, there's a new version of Cydia and libhide 2.03.

I installed Cydia then libhide now Cydia reports Unable to Load (timed out).

EDIT: Even though libhide only required restarting Springboard, I also rebooted and that fixed the Cydia problem.

This is really only an issue if you have the beta repository installed in Cydia, right?

No. I have no beta repository defined and I was prompted to install libhide 2.02. See my previous post for what libhide 2.03 did to Cydia.

EDIT: Even though libhide only required restarting Springboard, I also rebooted and that fixed the Cydia problem.
Please note: libhide 2.02 and 2.03 are safe to install. The issue above was with a beta release (2.0) which was released only in BigBoss' beta repository. It was never intended for the general public.

A side note: you should definitely not install the "all sources" package in Cydia; it is a dangerous package which includes non-standard repositories like BigBoss' beta repository. If you install "all sources" you may unwittingly install repositories which are unsafe and may screw up your iPhone.

No. I have no beta repository defined and I was prompted to install libhide 2.02. See my previous post for what libhide 2.03 did to Cydia.

But your issue is not the same as the one the OP was talking about. That was not with 2.03, but with a beta from a different repository.
I installed libhide the other day with Categories and it worked just fine. (iPhone 3G OS 3.01). Weird.

I was a little upset that it was a mobile substrate addon after I spent sooooo long removing the Winterboard dependency from LockInfo. Baahhh!
A side note: you should definitely not install the "all sources" package in Cydia; it is a dangerous package which includes non-standard repositories like BigBoss' beta repository. If you install "all sources" you may unwittingly install repositories which are unsafe and may screw up your iPhone.

i was thinking that too, was looking and noticed there is no way for us to remove it. You can remove it from Cydia, but it doesnt remove the sources.

Im guessing you have to remove them via SSH?
well all seems ok now

so I am going to request the thread be closed obviously the problem has been fixed! good to know the Dev is on the ball! :D
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