since updateing my mac mini server to 10.8 i have been getting OSX Server app in the app store showing up as an update... up until today it would always fail to install saying that server app is already installed.... as off 10 minutes ago the update installed for me.... only issue now is terminal.... i run a command and it gives me this error:
[ERROR]<CPPathUtils.c:526>The device-file for this operating system, 'osx-12.1.0.xml', was not found. An attempt to revert to a previous revision of the OS device-file: 'osx-12.0.0.xml' has been made. Please file a Radar report with Apple, on the 'CoreProfile' component, version 'X'.
but commends do run.....
i get the same error on my macbook pro without
ive noticed that my build version of the server app changed from 2.0.21? GM Build to 2.0.23