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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 4, 2008
The Offical update to Pwnage (Mac only) and QuickPwn (Mac AND Windows) have been released by the Dev Team. Please see this link for full details. PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE POST BEFORE UPDATING, else you could risk losing the unlock PERMANENTLY! :apple:

Original post below:

This is just a warning to all who have unlocked/jailbroken their phones. If you NEED the unlock, DO NOT upgrade to 2.2.1 until the Dev Team says it's fine to. This new firmware has an updated modem, and it may possibly have patched the "hole" the Dev Team used to unlock the phone.

Same goes for jailbreakers. You WILL lose all of your jailbroken apps. If you don't need these apps, and you don't need to unlock your phone, upgrade at your own risk. Please note, that the upgraded modem may prevent you from ever unlocking the phone, should you wish to do so.

Just making this post so we (hopefully) won't see a storm of "HALP I UPGRADED MY UNLOCKED PHONE AND NOW IT'S LOCKED" threads.
Guys, I am in the middle of unlocking my phone using pwnagetool and when I boot back up and get into itunes it wants me to restore but will only allow me to "update and restore". Meaning, it wanted me to upgrade to 2.2.1 which I know I am not supposed to do. Any suggestions?

EDIT : Nevermind, I found if you hit "option" restore it lets you select the file you want to restore.
Thanks for the heads up, I was planning to hold off for a few days anyway. I would much rather wait and not have a toasted phone.
Is it not possible to downgrade back to a previous firmware?

It is possible, but it can be risky. Also, once the modem is upgraded, it's almost impossible to downgrade it. (I say almost, because I don't know of a way to do it)
Guys, I am in the middle of unlocking my phone using pwnagetool and when I boot back up and get into itunes it wants me to restore but will only allow me to "update and restore". Meaning, it wanted me to upgrade to 2.2.1 which I know I am not supposed to do. Any suggestions?

EDIT : Nevermind, I found if you hit "option" restore it lets you select the file you want to restore.
You can use quickpwn to just "activate" your phone so that you don't need to restore - but you used the option+click method and figured it out anyways - good :)
I just want to downgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.2 so that I can run the emoji "hack." I dont want to make calls and ill immediately reupgrade. Is there a way to do this? Just downgrade for a minute so that I can reupgrade?
I just want to downgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.2 so that I can run the emoji "hack." I dont want to make calls and ill immediately reupgrade. Is there a way to do this? Just downgrade for a minute so that I can reupgrade?

When you upgrade, all unbacked up information will be lost including the emoji emoticon "keyboard". I don't think iTunes backs up jailbreak data.;)

From where can I find the old 2.2 software? I'm still running 2.1 on my iphone and I want to unlock it. Have to say, my timing really sucks..
I thought that this doesn't affect jailbroken phones.
I have a 3G legally unlocked and jailbroken, and I want it to remain jailbroken, so will it stay JB'd if I upgrade to 2.21?
I've made a sum up of MuscleNerd's (famous member of the jailbreak/unlock development team) own comments in his blog post Hold your horses, [my remarks in brackets], accentuations added by me:

This [official Apple iPhone OS & baseband firmware] update [2.2.1/02.30.03] doesn’t affect the ability to jailbreak any of Apple’s mobile devices. It affects only the yellowsn0w 3G iPhone soft unlock (but in a very serious way, as mentioned in the video). It is only 3G users of the yellowsn0w unlock that need to avoid the update.

In fact, until a lower-level (”hard”) unlock comes out, yellowsn0w users should *always* avoid official updates — they should only update through custom firmware IPSWs made through our various pwnage tools. These custom IPSWs can update your main firmware without updating your baseband (which would kill the yellowsn0w injection exploit).

Until we release newer versions of QuickPwn and PwnageTool, anyone who’s currently jailbroken should avoid the update else you’ll temporarily lose the jailbreak.

And of course it’s worth repeating, anyone using the 3G yellowsn0w soft unlock should definitely avoid the official update at all costs. The baseband cannot be downgraded, so if you update to the new baseband, you are stuck there without any known way to inject the yellowsn0w unlock.

Since this update doesn’t touch the iPhone 2G baseband, your unlock patch will remain in place. So for iPhone 2G owners who care only about keeping their unlock — not about jailbreaking — you can take this update right now.

You have an iPhone 1st-generation phone….so no matter what you won’t lose the unlock. You’ll lose the jailbreak though if you update now, until we release the next version of the pwnage tools. You won’t have to worry about DFU mode as long as you remain jailbroken (if you ever lose the jailbreak, you’ll have to use DFU mode to get it again).
As of this post, there in a Windows based jailbreak on

Early reports says it works, BUT using this process WILL upgrade your modem firmware (baseband) on 3G phones and WILL break your unlock, possibly permanently. This is NOT an official (from the Dev Team) update to QuickPwn, but will work for people on Windows who want 2.2.1 and do NOT need the unlock.

To summarize, if you NEED the unlock for 3G phones, WAIT for the Dev Team to update their Pwnage tool. DO NOT UPGRADE YET!
When you upgrade, all unbacked up information will be lost including the emoji emoticon "keyboard". I don't think iTunes backs up jailbreak data.;)

iTunes doesn't back up jailbroken apps/settings but for some reason the emoji hack stays. I upgraded to 2.2.1 and I still have the emoji keyboard.

Ps. sorry about the two posts in a row. No cut and paste on the iPhone.
Yeah, I'm in the same boat when I upgraded to the 2.2.1 firmware last night. I wasn't aware that I still had emoji (hack) until I sent text message to someone and I saw the international keyboard icon. Hopefully the Dev Team can come up with a nice and quick JB...:eek:
As stated in the updated original post, it is now possible to update your phone using the new Pwnage tool to preserve your unlock. PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE POST BEFORE UPDATING!
Guys, I am in the middle of unlocking my phone using pwnagetool and when I boot back up and get into itunes it wants me to restore but will only allow me to "update and restore". Meaning, it wanted me to upgrade to 2.2.1 which I know I am not supposed to do. Any suggestions?

EDIT : Nevermind, I found if you hit "option" restore it lets you select the file you want to restore.

What is that "option" restore you talking about?:confused:
Do I press "alt"?
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