The Offical update to Pwnage (Mac only) and QuickPwn (Mac AND Windows) have been released by the Dev Team. Please see this link for full details. PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE POST BEFORE UPDATING, else you could risk losing the unlock PERMANENTLY! 
Original post below:
This is just a warning to all who have unlocked/jailbroken their phones. If you NEED the unlock, DO NOT upgrade to 2.2.1 until the Dev Team says it's fine to. This new firmware has an updated modem, and it may possibly have patched the "hole" the Dev Team used to unlock the phone.
Same goes for jailbreakers. You WILL lose all of your jailbroken apps. If you don't need these apps, and you don't need to unlock your phone, upgrade at your own risk. Please note, that the upgraded modem may prevent you from ever unlocking the phone, should you wish to do so.
Just making this post so we (hopefully) won't see a storm of "HALP I UPGRADED MY UNLOCKED PHONE AND NOW IT'S LOCKED" threads.

Original post below:
This is just a warning to all who have unlocked/jailbroken their phones. If you NEED the unlock, DO NOT upgrade to 2.2.1 until the Dev Team says it's fine to. This new firmware has an updated modem, and it may possibly have patched the "hole" the Dev Team used to unlock the phone.
Same goes for jailbreakers. You WILL lose all of your jailbroken apps. If you don't need these apps, and you don't need to unlock your phone, upgrade at your own risk. Please note, that the upgraded modem may prevent you from ever unlocking the phone, should you wish to do so.
Just making this post so we (hopefully) won't see a storm of "HALP I UPGRADED MY UNLOCKED PHONE AND NOW IT'S LOCKED" threads.