Lionheart, could you be more specific on where to find out how to have 5 icons in the dock? I cant find the post on modmyiphone... their search function is wacky.
It's pretty easy...(provided you have hacked the phone with the instructions provided in
this thread. Read through that, and you'll be ready for what follows. If you haven't done this, you probably won't understand the rest of this.
First, visit and download your favorite theme there. I didn't use any of their install routines, because I wanted to pick and choose which graphics to replace. The various icons are in the apps directories, and each is named icon.png.
Next, use an SFTP client like Cyberduck or Transmit to connect to your phone and upload the files to the appropriate directories. All apps are found in the /applications directory. I'd suggest renaming the originals to something like icon_old.png, then just upload the new version.
Next, edit your DisplayOrder.plist file. Just move the key entry you'd like to add to the dock from the iconList section to the buttonBar section. Note that this will open up one spot on your main area, which means you should probably replace it with another entry in the iconList section with a new app.
If you've chosen icons that are small enough to fit in the dock, you shouldn't have any problems with the display.
Finally, just restart your phone, and're in business!