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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 27, 2009

I'm looking to buy one of the new iMacs and I'm a bit afraid by all the posts
about broken or flickering or blacked out screens, as well as noisy hard
drives :confused:. It looks though like most (all ?) reported issues are with
the i5 and i7 versions, and I would rather be shopping for a Core2 Duo...

Are the screen/HDD issues also observed on the 27" Core2 Duo versions
(standard and BTO) ? What about the 21.5" versions ?

My house mate bought a C2D from an apple retail store and that had flickering issues. He only kept it for one day before taking it back.

The HDDs will be the same as in the i5 or i7. Though i have no issues with the HD in my i7, you can hear the fans more then the HD. I do have flickering though.
Thanks MH01 !
Was that C2D a 27" or a 21.5" ?
Since it was bought in a store, I assume it was standard config, not BTO...
My 27" C2D has the stomach-gurgling HDD, but it is only noticeable if the room is dead quiet. No fan noise, no bad display, etc so I am quite happy. If the HDD gurgling gets any worse I might bring it back to the Apple Store.

Thanks MH01 !
Was that C2D a 27" or a 21.5" ?
Since it was bought in a store, I assume it was standard config, not BTO...

He bought a standard config from the store. And it was a 27" Imac. The good thing about buying it instore is that you can get a replacement very fast .
Got the higher end C2D and it's all good apart from the HDD which is as my girlfriend describes it 'making a scary noise'. Usually when it's doing intensive takes like installing stuff. This shouldn't happen I assume?
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