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macrumors 604
Original poster
Aug 15, 2001
The Cool Part of CA, USA
I'm one of the folks with a dual processor Mac who's currently being bummed out that Azureus (a Java-based BitTorrent client) happens to use some networking routines that happen to have a bug in Apple's current Java versions that happens to cause kernel panics.

If you're using Panther with Azureus on a DP machine, you've probably enjoyed this experience, particularly if you've tried Azureus 2.1.0.x, which will panic the machine in about five minutes for me.

What I've got here is a question for the developers who might have access to the pre-release betas of Java that Thinksecret ran a story on recently. They noted that there are bug fixes in the upcoming 1.4.2 revision, so I'm wondering if this fix is among them, or if I should keep using the 'ol Apple Comment Submission form to complain.

Can anybody lend a hand here?
I've had Azureus running on my dual processor G4 with Panther for about 4 days while I download a huge file. Apart from bit torrent downloads being painfully slow anyway I haven't noticed any problems.
I am using the latest download azureus with my pb. I have not had any kernel panics. Before this version, I was using a really old version of azureus. So may be the earlier 2.1.0.* versions caused the problem. You should check the latest one out, if you havent already.
is strange to me that... bittorrent behave very slow on mac thenn on XP... is there any reason why mac's bt are slow in terms of transfer file?
thank you, thank you, thank you... i thought it was me!!

on my DP 1.8ghz (8gb Ram one) on 10.3.4, running the latest Azureus Bit-Torrent Client, i was downloading some files and all of a sudden i'd get a Kernel Pannic or sometimes the system grinds to a complete halt, still runs but impossible to even click on anything...

Solution keep rebooting..... I was about to re-install OSX tonight, you have saved me a lot of bother!!

Trouble is that damn piece of software keeps updating itself or annoys you...

time to find another client i think.
Guess this means no developers noticed this, or nobody's tried the Java betas.

garybUK said:
on my DP 1.8ghz (8gb Ram one) on 10.3.4, running the latest Azureus Bit-Torrent Client, i was downloading some files and all of a sudden i'd get a Kernel Pannic or sometimes the system grinds to a complete halt, still runs but impossible to even click on anything...
Yep, that's the other symptom. I wonder if it isn't more of a problem on G5s.

And I'll bet you were using a pre- version, Horrortaxi (or they reverted to the old networking code/settings in haven't tried, because the changelog didn't mention anything); I'm using right now, and it'll go somewhere between 1 and 5 days without a panic, so it sounds like you're right on schedule.

I suppose I'll bite the bullet and see if at least goes back to the level of, but I'm not very optimistic. Anybody else with a DP G5 tried that version?

Oh, and SLJ, I haven't heard of a speed difference between the Mac and XP, at least while using the same (Azureus) client, though other clients might work better. I think it depends far more on the torrent; I have, at times, maxed out my upload (around 20K/s; it's around 10K/s now on some low-peer torrents), and I've seen downloads upwards of 200K/s if the swarm was big enough.
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