Recently I lost data from an app due to the app-centric document model. An app that was bought with my GF's account didn't properly sync and when I upgraded my iPad, I lost all my saved data from it, with no warning messages.
This incident highlights the reason why I am very frustrated with the app-centric document model that Apple has forced upon us in iOS. IMHO, my saved documents should always be kept protected and separate from any sort of DRM. The app-centric document storage model applies the same DRM that is intended to prevent apps from being pirated to *my* documents that I myself have created (and thus should have every right to).
I would never have lost this data if iOS used files and folders that were separate from the app itself.
There are other frustrations I have with the app-centric document model. I am a musician and I create audio files using various apps. Often times I would like to simply access a music recording that I have created in one app, opening it up into another app without having to copy it to a clipboard or jump through any weird hoops. Or I would like to simply plug in my iPad into the Mac and see all my files right in the Finder, so that I can copy my music *that I created myself* into the folder of my choosing without having to use iTunes or iCloud etc.
Apple and its yes-men-media-fanboys have given various reasons for this new app-centric document model. However many of these reasons seem more like justifications as opposed to legitimate, user-driven reasons.
The initial reason given was "security:" we have to do it this way, because it's a phone, and you wouldn't want an app accessing your contacts and voicemail, now would you? We all nodded, "of course not Apple, of course not Apple." It seemed so logical, even though there was always someone trying to ask, "But.. but.. can you really not find a way to let us access files from the Finder without letting apps access each other's data? Really?"
I had to wonder if the real reason this was done was not simply because of the fact that Apple made a deal with the record companies not to allow direct access to the files on an extremely portable device that could directly download files. Hmmm.
Because when the iPod Touch came out, even though it wasn't a phone, it still shared this same app-centric document model with no way to access the device's files from the Finder. So wait, even though it's not a phone, it's still going to retain the closed document model that we need for security "because it's a phone"? Hold on.
Ah, but now, new reasons were given: it's "easier" this way. People "like it more." Yes indeed, "look at the wild success of iPhone," which must naturally mean that the app-centric document model is "better."
No. The iPhone was only successful despite the closed document model, not because of it. The iPhone's success was due to the fact that it has superior hardware design and a slick UI, and (at first) no competition.
The iPhone being successful does not mean that every feature of it contributed to its success.
iPhone's success was not caused by the closed document model, which hides documents within each app itself.
Then when iPad came out, it STILL had the app-centric, closed document model. WHY?! THIS SUCKS APPLE!
Look. Here is my suggestion.
Apple could still have the document model remain "app-centric," and not change the fundamental user experience of iOS, while also completely changing the underlying logistics of where documents get stored and how permissions are handled, and also opening up access to these documents via the OS X Finder.
They would simply change iOS so that each app, by default, has its own directory within a standard document folder that belongs to the user. To keep things the way that app likes it, there could be a read-only subdirectory within there that handles any CoreData files that will crash the app if they are moved around. Any other files ought to be able to be moved around wherever the user wants to store them; let the app simply locate them via Spotlight and the document metadata.
The user could then grant one-time read access to other apps that wanted to access data from any folder other than their default app-specific directory (which would be in the user's folder, not the app's folder -- at the risk of repeating myself). For example that way, I could grant Garage Band read-access to my synthesizer's recorded AIFF files, then mix down the results, and access the whole shebang from the Finder on my Mac.
This would also allow Apple to make a Finder app for iOS. Doesn't that just make you orgasm simply thinking about it? Think of all the ridiculous overflow of annoying kludge-ware that attempts to replicate the functionality of the Finder on iOS. Many of you will already have some such app yourself. Mine is called "USB Disk" and I hate it.
Now I'm sure there will be many of you who will say, "But... I like the app-centric document model...!" Fine. Under my suggestion, it will continue to function *exactly the same.*
However please be sympathetic towards those of us who are content creators. Musicians. Artists. Publishers. Writers. Managers. Organizers. (I'm including spreadsheets, notes, calendars, etc. as content.)
We want total, complete, and unfettered access to our own documents.
We are not simply using the iOS devices to consume content that is created by others.
We understand that DRM and copy protection are part of life, and we are OK with these measures being there for those content files that we have purchased online. However we are NOT OK with DRM and copy protection also being applied to those documents that WE OURSELVES have created.
We cannot abide with being forced to access OUR OWN CREATED WORKS through a DRM-gateway like iTunes.
Nor are we OK with iCloud being the only other default way to access our own work, because iCloud is not owned by us, and therefore we have greatly reduced privacy and no guarantees that our content will not be censored or modified as it passes through iCloud. (I read the iCloud user "agreement".)
We cannot idly stand by and remain complacent when OUR OWN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IS LOST because it was created with an app that a spouse or child downloaded onto our device, and it did not "sync" properly.
We do not want to have to resort to kludgy methods of file transfer that involve third-party cloud services (which all seem to carry similarly scary user "agreements" as iCloud), FTP sites, expensive USB dongles, emailing things to ourselves, or other draconian measures... ANY LONGER.
So I would kindly and humbly request that Apple please listen to this request and implement some much needed improvements in some future iOS version (sooner rather than later please).
But mostly I'm tired of the increasing, subtle feeling that content that I myself have created on my own device with my own software... is not actually mine, in some way... that my own works could be taken away from me if I don't play by the correct rules, or what I wrote offends the wrong person.
Now excuse me while I go back to installing Mono and X11 on my fresh Lion install, so that I can run iPhone Backup Extractor to hopefully decrypt my own saved data.
This incident highlights the reason why I am very frustrated with the app-centric document model that Apple has forced upon us in iOS. IMHO, my saved documents should always be kept protected and separate from any sort of DRM. The app-centric document storage model applies the same DRM that is intended to prevent apps from being pirated to *my* documents that I myself have created (and thus should have every right to).
I would never have lost this data if iOS used files and folders that were separate from the app itself.
There are other frustrations I have with the app-centric document model. I am a musician and I create audio files using various apps. Often times I would like to simply access a music recording that I have created in one app, opening it up into another app without having to copy it to a clipboard or jump through any weird hoops. Or I would like to simply plug in my iPad into the Mac and see all my files right in the Finder, so that I can copy my music *that I created myself* into the folder of my choosing without having to use iTunes or iCloud etc.
Apple and its yes-men-media-fanboys have given various reasons for this new app-centric document model. However many of these reasons seem more like justifications as opposed to legitimate, user-driven reasons.
The initial reason given was "security:" we have to do it this way, because it's a phone, and you wouldn't want an app accessing your contacts and voicemail, now would you? We all nodded, "of course not Apple, of course not Apple." It seemed so logical, even though there was always someone trying to ask, "But.. but.. can you really not find a way to let us access files from the Finder without letting apps access each other's data? Really?"
I had to wonder if the real reason this was done was not simply because of the fact that Apple made a deal with the record companies not to allow direct access to the files on an extremely portable device that could directly download files. Hmmm.
Because when the iPod Touch came out, even though it wasn't a phone, it still shared this same app-centric document model with no way to access the device's files from the Finder. So wait, even though it's not a phone, it's still going to retain the closed document model that we need for security "because it's a phone"? Hold on.
Ah, but now, new reasons were given: it's "easier" this way. People "like it more." Yes indeed, "look at the wild success of iPhone," which must naturally mean that the app-centric document model is "better."
No. The iPhone was only successful despite the closed document model, not because of it. The iPhone's success was due to the fact that it has superior hardware design and a slick UI, and (at first) no competition.
The iPhone being successful does not mean that every feature of it contributed to its success.
iPhone's success was not caused by the closed document model, which hides documents within each app itself.
Then when iPad came out, it STILL had the app-centric, closed document model. WHY?! THIS SUCKS APPLE!
Look. Here is my suggestion.
Apple could still have the document model remain "app-centric," and not change the fundamental user experience of iOS, while also completely changing the underlying logistics of where documents get stored and how permissions are handled, and also opening up access to these documents via the OS X Finder.
They would simply change iOS so that each app, by default, has its own directory within a standard document folder that belongs to the user. To keep things the way that app likes it, there could be a read-only subdirectory within there that handles any CoreData files that will crash the app if they are moved around. Any other files ought to be able to be moved around wherever the user wants to store them; let the app simply locate them via Spotlight and the document metadata.
The user could then grant one-time read access to other apps that wanted to access data from any folder other than their default app-specific directory (which would be in the user's folder, not the app's folder -- at the risk of repeating myself). For example that way, I could grant Garage Band read-access to my synthesizer's recorded AIFF files, then mix down the results, and access the whole shebang from the Finder on my Mac.
This would also allow Apple to make a Finder app for iOS. Doesn't that just make you orgasm simply thinking about it? Think of all the ridiculous overflow of annoying kludge-ware that attempts to replicate the functionality of the Finder on iOS. Many of you will already have some such app yourself. Mine is called "USB Disk" and I hate it.
Now I'm sure there will be many of you who will say, "But... I like the app-centric document model...!" Fine. Under my suggestion, it will continue to function *exactly the same.*
However please be sympathetic towards those of us who are content creators. Musicians. Artists. Publishers. Writers. Managers. Organizers. (I'm including spreadsheets, notes, calendars, etc. as content.)
We want total, complete, and unfettered access to our own documents.
We are not simply using the iOS devices to consume content that is created by others.
We understand that DRM and copy protection are part of life, and we are OK with these measures being there for those content files that we have purchased online. However we are NOT OK with DRM and copy protection also being applied to those documents that WE OURSELVES have created.
We cannot abide with being forced to access OUR OWN CREATED WORKS through a DRM-gateway like iTunes.
Nor are we OK with iCloud being the only other default way to access our own work, because iCloud is not owned by us, and therefore we have greatly reduced privacy and no guarantees that our content will not be censored or modified as it passes through iCloud. (I read the iCloud user "agreement".)
We cannot idly stand by and remain complacent when OUR OWN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IS LOST because it was created with an app that a spouse or child downloaded onto our device, and it did not "sync" properly.
We do not want to have to resort to kludgy methods of file transfer that involve third-party cloud services (which all seem to carry similarly scary user "agreements" as iCloud), FTP sites, expensive USB dongles, emailing things to ourselves, or other draconian measures... ANY LONGER.
So I would kindly and humbly request that Apple please listen to this request and implement some much needed improvements in some future iOS version (sooner rather than later please).
But mostly I'm tired of the increasing, subtle feeling that content that I myself have created on my own device with my own software... is not actually mine, in some way... that my own works could be taken away from me if I don't play by the correct rules, or what I wrote offends the wrong person.
Now excuse me while I go back to installing Mono and X11 on my fresh Lion install, so that I can run iPhone Backup Extractor to hopefully decrypt my own saved data.
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