Hi everyone
At the moment I am writing my Ph.D. in applied physics, and thus soon I will be out looking for a new job or maybe even a new career. I am keeping my options open, so I attended a job fair recently. At the fair I had an interesting discussion with some manager about technical programming. This kind of job is not so much programming the latest iPad software, but programming e.g. the latest intel chip fabrication machine. It should also be less programming but more understanding and solving a technical/scientific problem and implementing it. The manager also said about 1/3 of the time is spent programming. Since I have never worked as a programmer as such, I don't have a basis of comparison for his statements. I am sure some of you do.
I have read over the last few years a few things about IT and CS type of jobs, but never really about this technical programming. Is there someone on this forum who does this type of job and wants to share his/her experiences? Or someone with a math/physics/chemistry/... background who is/was in any kind of programming. I am very much interested in hearing your experiences.
Perhaps some of you care to voice your opinions on a career in programming in general or share your experiences? When I read about programming jobs, I think and sometimes read "stay the hell away". Though when I consider the academic career path, I have similar thoughts. My friends in industry like their jobs, but I am not sure I would. Programming seems to be more my thing, but is programming worthwhile to pursue in this day and age or should I stay the hell away?
Thanks for your insight! I appreciate your replies and will carefully think them over in the next few weeks.
At the moment I am writing my Ph.D. in applied physics, and thus soon I will be out looking for a new job or maybe even a new career. I am keeping my options open, so I attended a job fair recently. At the fair I had an interesting discussion with some manager about technical programming. This kind of job is not so much programming the latest iPad software, but programming e.g. the latest intel chip fabrication machine. It should also be less programming but more understanding and solving a technical/scientific problem and implementing it. The manager also said about 1/3 of the time is spent programming. Since I have never worked as a programmer as such, I don't have a basis of comparison for his statements. I am sure some of you do.
I have read over the last few years a few things about IT and CS type of jobs, but never really about this technical programming. Is there someone on this forum who does this type of job and wants to share his/her experiences? Or someone with a math/physics/chemistry/... background who is/was in any kind of programming. I am very much interested in hearing your experiences.
Perhaps some of you care to voice your opinions on a career in programming in general or share your experiences? When I read about programming jobs, I think and sometimes read "stay the hell away". Though when I consider the academic career path, I have similar thoughts. My friends in industry like their jobs, but I am not sure I would. Programming seems to be more my thing, but is programming worthwhile to pursue in this day and age or should I stay the hell away?
Thanks for your insight! I appreciate your replies and will carefully think them over in the next few weeks.