Sounds so easy...............
you update your iphone via 3.0.1 and Itunes you use redsn0w with 3.0 firmware to JB again link to tutorial here once you have Cydia you can connect to cydia via wifi and get Ultrasn0w most likley you will have to reboot to get it to recognize the sims.
................when you say it quickly ! Actually, redsn0w is easy, I have run it about 100 times now, joined 12 forums like this one, downloaded firmware so many times, read 100's of guides to jail breaking and unlocking, DFU the phone so many times about wore the buttons out, and still can not get a signal ???
And why, in all those guides, no one mentions activating or SIM card ( in or none )????
It is 3G iPhone with 3.0, the problem is after redsn0w, go to Cydia, the sources section is blank, absolutely no content, try adding ultrasn0w url and get about 12 proxy errors. I have the proxy in settings, and also enter user name & password for Cydia to kick off, but still no joy, Wi-Fi signal is very strong.
And while I am here, it surfs fine on Safari, but weather and stocks do not load, why is that? Don't they access via Wi-Fi first?
Thanks for reading my moan, and maybe replying, John