I have to say, since I bought my Mac in 2015, I have not installed an Antivirus and its probably not a smart thing to do. The idea of Macs being inherently secure by design are bygone days. Its just as mainstream as Windows and is susceptible to phishing attacks just the same. I have exclusive access to get a full copy of ESET for free which has a Mac version. Seeing this thread reminded me of that.
Windows Defender has gotten exceptionally good since Windows 10, so, thats about all the AV I use on it. I also use Linux too, but I am very cautious when dealing with sensitive information on either platform. For instance, I use Firefox and Private mode when browsing financial data. Also, for things like Paypal and my bank, I prefer using the apps on my iPhone which ties into my biometrics and 2FA.
But thanks for reminding me about this though. Ultimately, common sense prevails though and email remains one of the the most obvious ways you can be easily fooled.