OP: you can easily have multiple libraries with Photos (app). One could be your family & friends and another can be products you've owned, etc. Create however many libraries you want. Then load the library relevant to the next import so that the new photos or grabs go to the right place.
I have a primary library for family, another for business, etc. IMO: it's good to keep such libraries lean vs. dumping everything into one gigantic library.
If you are interested in this, go into your user Pictures folder and locate your "Photos Library". Duplicate that one and rename it whatever you want your new subset library to be called. For example, Photos-Business. Right click on it, choose open with... Photos. After it opens, delete all of the pics that are not business. When you are done, close Photos. Now open the original Photos Library and delete all of the photos you just preserved in the other library. End result would be a personal pics library and a business pics library. If more splits like that make sense to you, create another library to segregate more. Eventually, you might have 3 or 4 smaller libraries instead of one big one.
If you happen to have a stash of photos that don't naturally belong in any of those libraries, create a folder in Pictures and store them as picture files there. You could do this with MANY folders if it makes sense to you. For example, if you work with multiple clients that involves pictures and/or videos, perhaps you store them in folders with the clients name. When your work with the client is complete, maybe those move into some longer-term archive storage vs. permanently eating space in Pictures even though you are unlikely to open them any more.