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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 7, 2020

after having "dark coloured" iPhones for 2 years now, i want to give the Silver iPhone 13 Pro Max a shot.

Did those micro scratches bother you in day to day life, did you even notice them (on your 12 Pro model)?

I'm also considering Gold to avoid the micro scratch topic + i never had a Gold iPhone, but i really dig the Silver model.
That's why im asking for your experience with the Silver 12 Pro (Max) :)


macrumors 6502
Jul 31, 2010
I'm using an Apple silicon case and have only a few light scratches. Any other case will scratch it up way more.


macrumors regular
Sep 26, 2018
I’ve had the 12 Silver PM since launch day and use Speck cases. I switch cases every month. The silver still looks perfect! I don’t even notice scratches around the charging port.


macrumors 68000
Dec 7, 2007
Los Angeles / Boston
The silver model you can simply polish with a stainless steel polish like Cape Cod wipes. A firm buffing will restore the steel to a fresh mirror finish. I wouldn't do this every single day but I regularly did this every 4-6 months on a series 0 stainless steel Apple Watch for years and it never wore down anything significantly, and always made the watch look brand new after it dulled from microscratching.

You can't really do this on the other models as it will reveal the raw silver color underneath after a few polishes. It will work once or twice but eventually you'll polish through the color coating, which, unless you wanted to be unique and polish a graphite, gold, or blue edge to a shiny silver, I would assume is something you don't want.
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