Well they were married in 1991 (i think) and he wasn't a billionaire then..
Yeah and shes pretty well to do herself.
"Laurene Powell Jobs began her career at Merrill Lynch Asset Management and then worked at Goldman, Sachs as a fixed income trading strategist. In 1991, she co-founded Terravera, a natural foods company, and in 1997, founded a nonprofit organization called College Track, a comprehensive after-school program that prepares at-risk high school students to attend college. She is now President of the College Track Board. Laurene currently serves on the Boards of ODC San Francisco, a modern dance company; Advisors of the Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania; and Care2.com, an online environmental portal. Laurene is a former Board member of Achieva, an educational company which was sold to the Washington Post in 2001, as well as several other nonprofit and for-profit organizations. She is a frequent lecturer on new philanthropy. Laurene was a California Delegate at the 2000 Democratic National Convention. She earned an MBA from Stanford University, and a holds dual degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, a B.A. at the College and a B.S. at Wharton.
She must be a hell of a woman to go toe-to-toe with Jobs ego.