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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 17, 2007
Just a thought. I recall Regent Street were selling the Touch from around 6pm the day (or even a few days before) the official launch date. Any chance they may start selling the iPads this evening maybe from 6pm??
Nope not 24 hr. I understand they will be opening at 8am tomorrow.

But it just hit me that they would already have them in the shop so maybe they may sell tonight as they're open until 9pm.
If the store manager wants to lose his job then they'll sell them. Otherwise, no, join the queue - someone told me it's already started...
FWIW, in the US, the 24-hour stores closed early the morning of the iPad launch (to set up the displays and reset the accessories area). They reopened the same time as the rest of the Apple stores did (8am).
They won't sell it early, the reason being this scenario:

-so, they sell it early on the night before (tonight), and they sell out/sell most of the stock.
-People arrive early the next morning, queue for several hours (having being told already by Apple that they go on sale on the morning of 28th) -but there is no stock left. Riot ensues. Apple get a ton of bad press for lying to their customers, blah blah.... you get the idea ;)
They won't sell it early, the reason being this scenario:

-so, they sell it early on the night before (tonight), and they sell out/sell most of the stock.
-People arrive early the next morning, queue for several hours (having being told already by Apple that they go on sale on the morning of 28th) -but there is no stock left. Riot ensues. Apple get a ton of bad press for lying to their customers, blah blah.... you get the idea ;)

FWIW, in the US, the 24-hour stores closed early the morning of the iPad launch (to set up the displays and reset the accessories area). They reopened the same time as the rest of the Apple stores did (8am).

Are there any other 24 hour stores besides NYC?

What galls me is that the 24 hour store in NYC is the least convenient for actual New Yorkers and the most convenient for tourists. If they had any sense they'd make a different store the 24 hour store. Probably 14th street.
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