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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 16, 2002
Northborough, MA
Well i was happy last year when we finally got the buddy icons, sounds ect. that the windows world has been enjoying. Now with AOL's 9.0 Optimized there are alot of cool fetures that are offered, it feels like we are stuck in the stone age. Any one think well ever come close to what the windows world has any time soon, and the fact that AOL and Apple are shareing itunes music store. Maybe this will bring new light to the mac version of AOL. any opions?

I didn't realise there were more than a handful of Mac users using AOL anymore. It was a big deal in the early 1990s, but now, I'm surprised that anyone even cares.

I doubt seriously you'll see feature parity with the Windows version ever again. They'll throw more tidbits this way, but I suppose that's better than nothing at all.

I'd say they're begging for competition to clean them out.
Originally posted by bousozoku
I didn't realise there were more than a handful of Mac users using AOL anymore. It was a big deal in the early 1990s, but now, I'm surprised that anyone even cares.

I doubt seriously you'll see feature parity with the Windows version ever again. They'll throw more tidbits this way, but I suppose that's better than nothing at all.

I'd say they're begging for competition to clean them out.
AOL is losing subscribers, but it is still huge. It has many more subscribers now than it did in the 1990s.
i stopped using aol about 5 years ago. i was at a friends house the other day and he he had aol up and running and it was horrible. a buddy list and an im took almost up the whole screen. aol is internet on training wheels, i dont like it but i doubt you will ever see something comparable to the windows side.

Yeah, i kinda figured it would never be like it used to be :( I totally agree with you on the interent with traning wheels analogy, it really is. The only reason i still have it at this point is i have so amy accounts for thinga and all my email goes there also i like haveing a bunch of info in one area, im just lazy. lol

Originally posted by zulgand04
Yeah, i kinda figured it would never be like it used to be :( I totally agree with you on the interent with traning wheels analogy, it really is. The only reason i still have it at this point is i have so amy accounts for thinga and all my email goes there also i like haveing a bunch of info in one area, im just lazy. lol

oh no i completly agree, its great for family and its just idiot proof, to easy to use. but i just have a feeling we wont see a updated version equivilent to the pc side in a long time, or possibly never.

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