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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 3, 2016
Hello, we are high school students looking to make a better iPhone Charger! We believe that the charger cord breaking at one end is a problem everyone has! We want to fix that problem. We would be grateful if you took our survey to give us more data to make a better charger!


Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ
I believe your premise is flawed. Not "everyone" has a problem with the charger cord breaking at one end. If you use the cord properly (plugging/unplugging from the connector and not just yanking on the cord), the cords will last for many years. I have had the lightning connectors since they came out with the iPhone 5. I have only had to discard one cable when I accidentally closed a drawer on the connector and cracked it. I am still using the cords from my iPhone 5, dating back to 2012. My grandkids (ages 3 to 14) use the iPads and regularly plug and unplug the devices before and after use. They, also, handle the cords properly. It's not that difficult to do.

That said, I completed your survey.


macrumors member
Sep 15, 2016
San Francisco
Did you guys do any research about how many cords break? I have a bunch of iPhone cords that came from Apple and none of them has broken on me yet, even after using them for almost 2 years. The ones I buy from Amazon is another story as they don't last longer than 2 months before the cord just stops charging.

Coming from android and micro usb, the iPhone cords are definitely more durable.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2013
Yeah, not everyone has an issue with the charger breaking. Your own survey even acknowledges this. Maybe just state you're making a product that is meant to be an even more durable cable and stop using language that is misleading. You also might want to tweak your survey questions as they show a lot of bias. Breaking the age groups up by a few years and then grouping everyone over 30 into a category is not proper survey creation.


macrumors 6502
Feb 20, 2014
I'm with the other guys here, I've only had one cable break since they first introduced them and that was because it got trapped in the hoover. 3rd party cables on the other hand seem to be prone to problems and I've had a few of them become damaged from fairly minimal use. Survey taken though :)


macrumors 603
Aug 27, 2012
Then there are so many third parties out there, am sure u can find one to your liking, don't have to stick to Apple.


macrumors G4
Oct 31, 2009
To cla
Hello, we are high school students looking to make a better iPhone Charger! We believe that the charger cord breaking at one end is a problem everyone has! We want to fix that problem. We would be grateful if you took our survey to give us more data to make a better charger!
I completed your survey.

Are you designing a better charger or charging cable? You're mixing up the nomenclature.

Finally, your poll has 5-10 year olds as a demographic but lumps together everyone over 30? Odd.

Best of luck.


macrumors 6502
Sep 9, 2013
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