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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 18, 2002
is there any way to put basically your dock in the menu bar? i want full screen apps and the dock really gets in my way, especially cause i only want my running apps in it
I don't think you can put it in the menu bar, but the program "onyx" available at does give you more options of where to put it than the standard set given by apple.
howard said:
is there any way to put basically your dock in the menu bar? i want full screen apps and the dock really gets in my way, especially cause i only want my running apps in it

Have you tried turning 'Hiding On'? Under apple menu, dock. :)
Turn Hiding on, it makes the Dock slide off screen when not in use. Just put your cursor to the edge of where it slid away, and it reappears. Kinda like Windows's Auto-Hide features for it's various crapbars. I mean toolbars.

Sorry, old pro-Mac habit.
thanks for the onyx tip

as far as hiding... i've tried that out for awhile, but i still want something i can always see and the functionality of clicking on programs that the dock has but somewhere were theres already space wasting away, not in another place to create more empty space, have all the functions in the menubar that the dock has (sure the icones wouldn't look as nice) would be perfect for me
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