I was curious how important it would be to get applecare on a monitor. I'm trying to plan the selling of my powerbook so that I can get the most for it so I can buy a intel book (12"). The problem is that I have no idea how long I will be waiting for that (whether it be january for the ibook or longer for a powerbook which I don't know if it will come in a 12" version). I do have a winblows computer that I could use in the meantime but since I was planning on getting a 20" cinema display to use with the intelbook I thought that I could use the screen instead of this crt screen I currently have (my desk is very small at college and having a crt screen would be difficult). The issue is that if you get the laptop and the monitor at the same time the monitor is enrolled in applecare for 3 years but I'm not sure how critical that is for the monitor. What do you guys think I should do?