I have used my iPad to control my home computer to run some flash/other apps that wouldn't work on my iPad (not pro, earlier editions), not for lengthy programming sessions, more for general use, but I will share my thoughts anyway.
First of all, if possible use an external keyboard. I use parallels access mostly to remote into my iMac, and when using the software keyboard it block too much of the screen to have constantly showing, and won't intelligently hide/show the keyboard automatically most of the time. While showing/hiding the keyboard manually works if necessary, it is a pain point vs using an external keyboard. Other apps also had this issue.
Parallels Access will reformat the remote app on the mac to best fit your iPad screen. (There are other options to do a full desktop view and others as well.) This usually works great, but occasionally it will try to resize an app and some menu options (top taskbar) will show off the screen.
Parallels access will route the audio to it's app, some other apps that I tried can't/won't do that. Depending on your needs (flash training videos) it may limit the apps you wish to use to remote connect.
I believe there is two bluetooth mice (Citrix X1 Mouse & Swiftpoint GT ) that works with Jump Desktop ( and possibly others) that do remote access. Most remote apps do not use bluetooth mice. (Parallels Access does not support any bluetooth/ios mouse.) Most apps have you doing either touching like a native app, or dragging/swiping the screen to move the mouse pointer. I think the translation in Parallels access works very well vs trying to use a remote mouse pointer swipes like some other other apps I used.
Overall, the few times I need to remote into my computer parallels access has worked for me, but I think your mileage will vary depending on the specific features of the remote software and the nature of you work. You can try some of the low cost/free/trial apps to see if it will meet your needs before paying (either the one time fee or subscription, depending on the app.)